which target lower-income folks with poor credit. These lots usually sell a 5-10 year-old car for a high total cost by combining a low down payment and a long stream “affordable” monthly payments. Think of them as the payday loans and rent-to-own TV and furniture stores of the car ...
If so, there should be no cost to you. You brought in the vehicle because it would not blow cold air. The dealer should return it to you with cold air coming out. End of story. The 3/36 is a bumper to bumper warranty, and the system is not supposed to leak refrigerant, which BT...
The only difference is that by the end of the day he will have sold one car less than he could have! He may make a $6K profit on the other guy, but if you hadn't walked, he would have made his 6K plus, say, the 3K you were willing to pay him over hi...
My deal got me extras at dealer cost. Leather was added. This made it much easier to find a car. Good luck finding something. Open options are a good thing. car_seekerMemberPosts:1 May 2001 I am thinking of purchasing a 1991 V Passat Wagon. I have never owned an import before......