I recently picked up a vintage Edmund Scientific reflector, one of the 4.25" f/10 red tube descendants of the Palomar Jr. line (I believe). I admittedly only got it because it was cheap and had a 28mm RKE along for the ride and I had always wanted to try one. This poor thing had...
Blancha had developed (conceived, designed, built) the original guider for his own use on his home-built 14" telescope. He freely shared his design with Joe, showing it to him in detail. Subsequently, the concept, modified a little, showed up being produced by Edmund Scientific. I will ...
A Newtonian reflector telescope is a tube with two mirrors in it. The main, curved mirror is at the bottom of the tube; light comes down the tube, hits that mirror and is reflected back up the tube, towards the second mirror. That one's smaller, flat, and angled at 45 degrees; it ...