Our physicians and staff offer state-of-the-art services for all ankle and foot conditions and disorders. We take the necessary time to educate our patients about foot and ankle health, with a strong emphasis on preventative care. We understand that each
A.M.V.FosterEdmonds MEA Colour Atlas of the Foot and AnkleJune 2007978-0443-102073Price 49.99doi:10.1016/j.foot.2008.04.002Pamela M. SabineThe Foot
Whatever your foot or ankle trouble, our experienced Edmonds podiatrist will work to bring you relief. Passionately fighting foot & ankle pain!
A Colour Atlas of the Foot and Ankle, A.M.V. Foster, Edmonds ME (June 2007), Price 49.99, ISBN: 978-0443-102073doi:10.1016/j.foot.2008.04.002Pamela M. Sabine