EDMI, a Global Energy Solution Leader, has successfully delivered over 9 million SMETS2 devices as part of the ongoing residential smart meter rollout in Great Britain. This milestone includes 5 million Communications Hubs and 4 million smart electricity and gas meters. ...
EDMI offers a comprehensive range of smart meters and systems, enabling our customers to manage meter resources more efficiently. OTHER DEVICES EDMI offers robust and reliable communication products and accessories enabling efficient metering, monitoring and control equipment. Reference Cases Prepayment Meter...
The partners have successfully tested smart electric meters, powered by seamless connectivity on Singtel’s nationwide Cat-M1 cellular Internet of Things (IoT) network. The combination of smart meters with the IoT network enables the secure wireless transmission of real-time meter reading...
EDMIElectronic Distance Meter Instrument EDMIElectronic Design and Manufacturing International(Singapore) EDMIEvangelical Development Ministry Institute EDMIEnfants du Monde Inde(French: Children of the World India; Chennai, India) Copyright 1988-2018AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved. ...
Alan Masterman, General Manager, EDMI Europe, commented: "The selection of EDMI by npower is an important milestone for both businesses as we support the smart meter rollout inGreat Britain. We are proud that EDMI's extensive market experience and technical expertise has resulted in success with...
experience of manufacturing smart meters and millions of EDMI smart meters installed worldwide, EDMI’s products are tried and tested, giving customers the confidence of working hand in hand with a company with a proven track record. EDMI is owned by Osaki Electric Co., Ltd., a Japanese mete...
EDMI, a Global Energy Solution Leader, has successfully delivered over 9 million SMETS2 devices as part of the ongoing residential smart meter rollout in Great Britain. This milestone includes 5 million Communications Hubs and 4 million smart electricity and gas meters. Read More 24 Jul 2024 ...
EDMI was established originally as “EDMQ” in Australia, finding early penetration into the metering industry with its Mk1 electronic revenue meter. EDMI is owned by Osaki Electric Co., Ltd., a Japanese metering solutions provider listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. EDMI Co...
EDMI acquired by Osaki Electric Co Ltd, a leading smart metering company in Japan. Opened EDMI's principal manufacturing plant in Senai, Malaysia, to produce high-end smart meters globally. Introduced new corporate logo. Thesymbol mark of the logois identical with the one for Osaki, portraying...
EDMI offers a comprehensive range of smart meters and systems, enabling our customers to manage meter resources more efficiently. OTHER DEVICES EDMI offers robust and reliable communication products and accessories enabling efficient metering, monitoring and control equipment. Reference Cases Prepayment Meter...