加入:android:descendantFocusability="blocksDescendants" 代码如下: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@drawable/listitem_bg" android:orientation="vertical"> <LinearLayout and...
A user interface element for entering and modifying text. When you define an edit text widget, you must specify the android.R.styleable#TextView_inputType attribute. For example, for plain text input set inputType to "text": text/java Copy <EditText android:id="@+id/plain_text_inpu...
ListView嵌套EditView,有可能会出现了下面现象: 点击EditView,EditView获取焦点后,有可能光标不显示,也有可能光标不闪烁。点击多次后,光标才正常显示。 获取焦点后,editText.isCursorVisible()一直都返回true,但是有时候光标不显示。 解决办法: editText.setOnFocusChangeListener(newView.OnFocusChangeListener() {@Overrid...
Autofill type for views that cannot be autofilled. (Inherited from View) AutofillTypeText Obsolete. Autofill type for a text field, which is filled by a CharSequence. (Inherited from View) AutofillTypeToggle Obsolete. Autofill type for a togglable field, which is filled by a boo...
Autofill type for views that cannot be autofilled. (Inherited from View) AutofillTypeText Obsolete. Autofill type for a text field, which is filled by a CharSequence. (Inherited from View) AutofillTypeToggle Obsolete. Autofill type for a togglable field, which is filled by a boolean...
Autofill type for views that cannot be autofilled. (Inherited from View) AutofillTypeText Obsolete. Autofill type for a text field, which is filled by a CharSequence. (Inherited from View) AutofillTypeToggle Obsolete. Autofill type for a togglable field, which is filled by a boolean...
edtValue.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER | InputType.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL);
A user interface element for entering and modifying text. When you define an edit text widget, you must specify the android.R.styleable#TextView_inputType attribute. For example, for plain text input set inputType to "text": text/java Copy <EditText android:id="@+id/plain_text_inpu...
A user interface element for entering and modifying text. When you define an edit text widget, you must specify the android.R.styleable#TextView_inputType attribute. For example, for plain text input set inputType to "text": text/java 複製 <EditText android:id="@+id/plain_text_inpu...
Autofill type for views that cannot be autofilled. (Inherited from View) AutofillTypeText Obsolete. Autofill type for a text field, which is filled by a CharSequence. (Inherited from View) AutofillTypeToggle Obsolete. Autofill type for a togglable field, which is filled by a boolean...