plos one 状态为 Editor Invited解译为Your manuscript has completed the necessary technical checks and is currently being sent out for assignment to an Academic Editor. Please be assured that we are actively working to progress your manuscript to review as quickly as possible. Please do not hesitate...
plos one 状态为 Editor Invited解译为Your manuscript has completed the necessary technical checks and is currently being sent out for assignment to an Academic Editor. Please be assured that we are actively working to progress your manuscript to review as quickly as possible. Please do not hesitate...
Editor Invited是指编辑部或主编邀请了一位编辑负责你的论文审稿,该编辑还没有接受邀请。 在投稿过程中,Editor Invited通常是投稿后的一个早期状态,表示论文已经转给编辑,正在等待编辑接受。这个状态意味着编辑部已经收到了你的稿件,并且已经开始处理。然而,这并不保证你的论文一定会进入同行评审阶段。在某些情况下,编...
plos one 状态为 Editor Invited解译为Your manuscript has completed the necessary technical checks and is currently being sent out for assignment to an Academic Editor. Please be assured that we are actively working to progress your manuscript to review as quickly as possible. Please do ...
editor invited通常意思是编辑部已经指定了哪位编辑负责你的文章,那位编辑可能是正在看论文,确定领域、格式是否合适,如果没问题就会邀请审稿人。通常审稿人回复确认同意审稿了,状态会变为:under review.
plos one 状态为 Editor Invited解译为Your manuscript has completed the necessary technical checks and is currently being sent out for assignment to an Academic Editor. Please be assured that we are actively working to progress your manuscript to review as quickly as possible.Please do ...
plos one 状值女又香的体态为 Editor Invited解译为Your manuscript has completed the necessary ...
下一步状态就是 with editor ,或者 under review? sigma 下一步就是编辑初审 danbaidong 5楼: Originally posted by sigma at 2014-02-28 11:33:44 下一步就是编辑初审 编辑初审是什么英文状态?with editor? Under review? 另外,with editor是指的academic editor还是in-house editior?谢谢! sigma 6楼:...
投过的,editor invited一个月多点 jilinyangkai 4楼: Originally posted by anina688 at 2015-12-08 15:27:59 投过的,editor invited一个月多点... 嗯嗯 那看来我还是需要等待呀 之后多久回复意见的啊 嘻嘻哈。。 我的editor inviting 四天就under review了。 jilinyangkai 6楼: Originally posted by 嘻嘻...
PLos one 一个月了还在editor invited 怎么办,是否找不到编辑,我要换期刊投吗? A: 花一个月时间来分配编辑算是比较长的了。只能说可能编辑是真的很忙,或者期刊内部有一些我们不知道的其他问题。 所以如果再过一个月状态还没变化,您可以考虑撤回然后重新发到别的期刊了。 注意:必须先在这里撤回成功,然后才能在...