"terminal.integrated.fontFamily":"FuraMono Nerd Font", "terminal.integrated.fontSize":12, "terminal.integrated.rightClickCopyPaste":true ✔ 有用的 VS Code 快捷键 我在日常生活中使用了一些重要的键盘快捷键,这些快捷方式使 Visual Studio Code 提高了我的工作效率。 Ctrl + P:转到文件,您可以在 Visua...
如何在VS Code的settings.json中指定粗体字体?例如,我在我的Windows机器上安装了Envy Code R和Envy Code R Bold(在Windows字体查看器中显示的确切名称),而且 "editor.fontFamily": "Envy Code R" 设置正常运作。 "editor.fontFamily": "Envy Code R Bold" 无法正常工作(使用替代字体)。 这可能有可能吗?没...
您可以選擇使用 高對比度 色彩主題,計算機上所有 應用程式和 UI,或僅限 Visual Studio 額外對比 色彩主題。 使用Cascadia Code 字型 新的Cascadia Code 字型包括 Cascade Mono,這是 Visual Studio 2022 中的預設字型。 這兩種字型不僅更容易閱讀,而且 Cascadia Code 字型還包含編程用的連字,將一連串字元...
DefGuidList.guidTextEditorFontCategory FieldReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor v17.12.215 Guid for the code editor font and color category. C++ 复制 public: static initonly Guid...
I’m using Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 Version 17.10.1 now. I have the text editor’s Plain Text font set to JetBrains Mono (Tools->Options…->Fonts and Colors). However, if close the Options dialog and then reopen it, the text editor’...
[light bulb](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/editingevolved#_code-action) feature. 4031 */ 4032 export interface codeactionprovider { 4033 /** 4034 * provide commands for the given document and range. 4035 */ 4036 providecodeactions( model: editor.ireadonlymodel, range: range, ...
Option that defines the fallback font for the editor. C++ 复制 public: static initonly Microsoft::VisualStudio::Text::Editor::EditorOptionKey<System::String ^> FallbackFontId; Field Value EditorOptionKey<String> Remarks Note that, unlike most other options, this value is only checked ...
"markdown-editor.customCss": "my custom css rules" // Eg: "markdown-editor.customCss": ".vditor-ir pre.vditor-reset {line-height: 32px;padding-right: calc(100% - 800px) !important; margin-left: 100px; font-family: system-ui !important;}" ...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor v17.9.187 Guid for the command window's font and color category. C++ public:staticinitonly Guid guidCommandWindowFontCategory; Field Value Guid Applies to 產品版本 Visual Studio SDK2015, 2017,...