Sci文章上面显示EditorDecisionStarted的字样文章送审的机会较大。 当投稿稿件上传结束后,显示的状态是SubmittedtoJournal或NewSubmission,这个状态即说明提交成功了。EditorDecisionStarted表明编辑已经开始对稿件进行决策,这是投稿过程中的一个重要阶段。在这个阶段,编辑会根据稿件的内容、质量以及是否符合期刊的定位和要求来决...
5. Required review completed/Decision in process/With editor Required review completed:返回了足够给出决议的审稿数量,并不是完成审稿,可能还有其他审稿意见没有返回。编辑开始考虑稿件是建议修改还是直接拒稿。 6. Decision made/Decision sent out:编辑完成了对稿件的审查,并做出了决定。如果决定是修改,作者需要根...
nature editor decision started空白栏 As a renowned scientific publisher, the decisions made by Nature editors carry significant weight in the academic community. These decisions can ultimately shape the trajectory of research in a particular field, influence funding decisions, and even impact public ...
很多人认为,“Decision in Process”就意味着主编很可能会拒掉你的文章,实际上,这种观点是错误的。Decision in Process真正的含义是,决定已经作出,只是投稿系统在走流程,所以最终决定还没到作者这里。 下面这段话,解释比较合理: The state "Decision in Process" means a “Decision” has been made by editorial...
很多人认为,“Decision in Process”就意味着主编很可能会拒掉你的文章,实际上,这种观点是错误的。Decision in Process真正的含义是,决定已经作出,只是投稿系统在走流程,所以最终决定还没到作者这里。 下面这段话,解释比较合理: The state "Decision in Process" means a “Decision” has been made by editorial...
awe hereby certify that the under mentioned goods are made in china and us and germany originally 我们特此证明下面被提及的物品最初是中国制造和我们和德国[translate] ait is a decision to be made at the sole discretion of the editor 它是将被做的决定在编辑的单一谨慎[translate]...
The status of my manuscript says "Decision made," for nearly a week now, but I have not yet got any mail from the editor. What could this mean? Asked on05 Feb, 2015 Answer Follow this Question 1Answer to this question Answer: