editor's note→ nota f de la redacciónthe sports editor→ el/la redactor(a) de la sección de deportes Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003,...
Define Deputy editor. Deputy editor synonyms, Deputy editor pronunciation, Deputy editor translation, English dictionary definition of Deputy editor. tr.v. ed·it·ed , ed·it·ing , ed·its 1. a. To prepare for publication or presentation, as by correct
Advertisement. Bad banner? Please let us know Remove AdsReferences in classic literature ? It follows them from an earlier date and could not easily be changed, and it may serve to recall to an elder generation than this the time when their author was breaking so many lances in the great,...
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Thesaurus Wikipedia Related to managing editor:Associate editor Category filter: AcronymDefinition MEMiddle English MEMiddle East MEMaine(US postal abbreviation) MEMillennium Edition(Microsoft Windows) MEMedical Examiner MEModern English MEMiddle Earth ...
Banner de erro Exemplo 2: sugestões automáticas com base nos componentes usados com frequência Na mesma expressão, altere o nome da camada demileparaMILE. À medida que você digita, o After Effects exibe uma lista suspensa com várias sugestões extraídas de nomes de camada do ...
Environment banner: how to enable/disable this banner Localization: language options in the editor Styling General Config options There are some options you can pass tooptionsinrenderEditorthat are not connected to a plugin. docContent: 'block+': The property docContent specifies which nodes are ...