If it's still not working, you can try the last troubleshooting tip on our list. Method 6: Edit Your Site's wp-config.php File Our last solution requires more technical chops. If you feel comfortable, you‘ll need to edit your site’s wp-config.php file directly to add a short code...
I tried putting in a custom ckeditor to my page that modifes course descriptions. It seems to be working fine, but I wanted to use a custom config to set up uicolor and toolbar. I can't seem to get the custom config working. I put this code in a script of my page: <textarea ...
⌨️ rewritten withTypeScript🔥 ⚡multi-model editoris already supported; enjoy it 🎉 🎉 versionv4is here - to see what's new in the new version and how to migrate fromv3, please read thisdoc(also, if you need the old versionREADME, it'shere) 🎮 the new sectionDevelopment ...
In the inspection pane console, enter CKEDITOR.config. to display the different configurations.Select a configuration, such as autoGrow_minHeight, to display the current setting.The rich text editor toolbarThe following table describes the formatting tools that are available in the rich text editor...
config.allowedContent = true; We have also tried setting extraAllowedContent='first-page-header'; and allowedContent='first-page-header'; This is out config.js code: CKEDITOR.editorConfig=function(config){config.extraPlugins='first-page-header,first-page-footer,page-header,page-footer,hard-page-br...
config({ monaco }); // ...NOTE: you should be aware that this may require additional webpack plugins, like monaco-editor-webpack-plugin or it may be impossible to use in apps generated by CRA without ejecting them.If you use Vite, you need to do this:import { loader } from '@...
#3866: Fixed: The config.readOnly configuration option not considered for startup read-only mode of inline editor. #3931: [IE] Fixed: An error is thrown when pasting using the Paste button after accepting the browser Clipboard Access Prompt dialog. #3938: Fixed: Cannot navigate the Autocomple...
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; // This is not an editor script. public class MyPlayer :MonoBehaviour{ public int armor = 75; public int damage = 25; publicGameObjectgun; voidUpdate() { //Updatelogic here... } } For example, use a custom editor to change the appearance of...
-job-worker-count <N>Specify the maximum thread count for the Unity JobQueueJob Worker Count. You can also set this value asjob-worker-count=<N>inboot.configfor the Unity Standalone Player. -logFile <pathname>Specify where Unity writes the Editor or Windows/Linux/OSX standalone log file....
**CKeditorNuxt.vue**<template><ckeditor:editor="editor":value="value":config="config":tagName="tagName":disabled="disabled"@ready="onReady"@input="event => $emit('input', event)"/></template>letDecoupledEditorletCKEditorif(process.client){DecoupledEditor=require('../ckeditor5-custom/build...