首先看DispatherServlet这个类的doService方法,学过servlet的人都知道,它是web容器处理请求的入口。 1 protected void doService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { 2 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { 3 String resumed = WebAsyncUtils.getAsyncManager(request).hasConcurrent...
我于5月4号把稿件投到了期刊《Applied Intelligence》,已经超过两周了,状态一直是Editor Assignment Pending,没有更新过,我昨天给期刊编辑发了一封邮件询问情况也没有回复我,现在怎么办呢? A: 点击此处访问Springer journal 旗下Applied Intelligence 的官网主页,滑动鼠标至页面下端,你会看到审核时间为18天,即“从提交...
投springer一个月了,收稿两天后变成Editor Assignment Pending,之后一直没变过,什么意思啊,大家帮忙看看。 返回小木虫查看更多分享至: 更多 今日热帖CBM状态为rr... 分享下我的第一篇... Mechanic... 文章接收后,在哪... N,S掺杂C 的... Thends i... You did ... Journal ...精华评论 cdp_1983 还...
求助springer期刊小修reviews completed后又出现了editor assignment pending 发自小木虫Android客户端 ...
I submitted a manuscript to Springer Journal. After several weeks I received an email saying that"Based on the advice received, the Editor feels that your manuscript could be accepted for publication should you be prepared to incorporate minor revisions". After incorporating the comments of reviewers...
I submitted a paper to one of Springer journals about 3 months ago and since then the status is "Editor assignment pending." I asked the journal about it and they replied that my paper is active in the journal. Please let me know what should I do now?
1.Submitted to Journal/New Submission 表示期刊确定收到了你的投稿,当投稿稿件上传结束后,显示的状态...
springer sci期刊投稿editor invited状态是什么意思 呵呵,说实话,搞懂这些没什么意义,关键还是看最后的状态是accept,还是revised,还是reject,呵呵 Editor Assignment Pending什么意思 最近投稿两篇一起到国外一期刊,其中一篇一审major revision,二审 minor revison,另一篇二次审稿 猜你关注广告 1银行贷款利率 2中央空调清...
Sci文章上面显示EditorDecisionStarted的字样文章送审的机会较大。 当投稿稿件上传结束后,显示的状态是SubmittedtoJournal或NewSubmission,这个状态即说明提交成功了。EditorDecisionStarted表明编辑已经开始对稿件进行决策,这是投稿过程中的一个重要阶段。在这个阶段,编辑会根据稿件的内容、质量以及是否符合期刊的定位和要求来决...