West Hollywood EDITION酒店设计,重振黄金时代! 西好莱坞版(West Hollywood EDITION)是一家位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的酒店,由酒店经营者Ian Schrager创建,由John Pawson设计。该酒店拥有140间客房和50间套房,这些套房以酒店标志性的中性色调和粉刷过的西伯利亚落叶松木材为特色。位于酒店顶层的是20座同类房屋,它们进一步彰显...
One of the standouts of the establishment, however, is what’s on the roof. Resting on the 14th floor of the building, overlooking the Los Angeles skyline, is a rooftop pool, lounge, and exquisite restaurant, The Roof. Courtesy of The West Hollywood Edition ...
Set where West Hollywood meets Beverly Hills, The West Hollywood EDITION is a sophisticated retreat. The luxury hotel boasts an expansive rooftop pool and lounge, signature restaurant, and destination spa. Insider Tip Make y...
The West Hollywood Edition and its buzzy Sunset nightclub are now open in West Hollywood. Ian Schrager spills the details on what makes the hotel a hotspot for visitors and locals - including celebrities.
西好莱坞艾迪逊酒店(The West Hollywood Edition) 9040 Sunset Blvd, 西好莱坞显示地图 开业:2019精致豪华的西好莱坞艾迪逊酒店格调精致优雅,拥有设计前卫的客房并提供周到的个性化服务。到我们的综合服务型日间水疗中心畅享非凡放松体验,在屋顶泳池中畅游,或到24小时健身中心挥汗锻炼。我们的特色餐厅和屋顶酒吧坐拥好莱坞壮...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWhLul0-x4c 选择西好莱坞艾迪逊酒店,就是为您的洛杉矶(CA)之旅选择了一个理想的起点。在距离8.7公里的格里菲斯天文台度过一天,即可欣赏著名艺术家的收藏,探索这座城市的艺术史。附近最著名的当地景点是好莱坞星光大道,距离大约只有5.8公里。有时候最好的假期就是无所事事。你...
West Hollywood EDITION 酒店设计。#求是爱设计# 求是爱设计超话 û收藏 8 评论 ñ21 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 1304关注 1689298粉丝 79784微博 微关系 他的关注(1298) 很会的Tim Insta360影石 韩东言 王琪Freyawong 他的粉丝...
详细信息 Ian Schrager and Edition Hotel introduce the first Edition Hotel on the West Coast, located in the vibrant area of West Hollywood. Nestled between Beverly Hills and the Hollywood Hills, The West Hollywood EDITION features 190 elegant guest-rooms and 20 luxury residences. ...
Sunset Boulevard has long lured creatures of nightlife and thanks to Ian Schrager, there's a new draw on the Boulevard to keep them coming back, the latest location of the Edition Hotel in West Hollywood. Tuesday night, after cutting the ribbon at the swanky space, where a roof offers cin...
THE WEST HOLLYWOOD EDITION 9040 WEST SUNSET BOULEVARD WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90069 洛杉矶 加利福尼亚州 美国立即预订1 / 61 房型信息 酒店简介 服务设施 用户评价 立即预订 房型信息 酒店简介 服务设施 用户评价 预订优惠 订后改住4付3订立享套房优惠订立享额外消费抵扣 详情 入住时间 1晚 退房...