a,bRNA-seq of the pectoral fins. Minus-Average (MA) plots with the average gene expression levels on theXaxis and log2fold-change in expression between the sexes inO. woworae(a) or between O. woworaemales andO. asinuamales (b) on theYaxis. Each dot represents a single gene with dif...
stages of library construction as a function of what percentage of the reads (Y) in each sample are attributed to what percentage (X) of the top barcodes/features in each sample, where the barcodes/features are sorted from highest to lowest abundance from left to right on the x-axis. Th...
https://www.python.org/) and R [45]. CRISPRO requires Python 2.7 and R > =3.4.1. Packages needed in R are tidyverse (ggplot2, dplyr, lazyeval, gridExtra, purr, RColorBrewer, readr), and DESeq2 (optional, when calculating scores). Package dependencies in Python are pandas (versi...
(CAR) atTRACwith Recursive Editing in CD4 + T cells. Left y-axis corresponds to the percentage of cells expressing T cell receptor α/β (TCR) and the right y-axis to the percentage of cells expressing the CAR. g526 was a previously identified high performing gRNA30. Individual ...
(on-target) loci are labeled as OG, while predicted off-target sites for primary gRNAs are labeled as OG_OT, and predicted off-target sites for secondary gRNAs are labeled as DT_OT on the y axis. The label on the x-axis indicates which gRNA the cells were transfected with; the ...
and also primary AML blasts express high levels of HLA-E, and that HLA-E expression is upregulated following exposure to IFN-γ25, a cytokine known to be highly secreted by CAR-NK cells following contact with target cells. We therefore hypothesized that the NKG2A-HLA-E axis might play a...
Navega Therapeutics and Engine Biosciences. The terms of these arrangements have been reviewed and approved by the University of California, San Diego in accordance with its conflict of interest policies. Y.S. is an employee of Shape Therapeutics. D.K. is now an employee of Shape Therapeutics....
Open AccessArticle by Domenico Alessandro Silvestris 1, Chiara Scopa 1, Sara Hanchi 1, Franco Locatelli 1,2and Angela Gallo 1,* 1 RNA Editing Lab, Department of Hematology and Oncology and Cell and Gene Therapy, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital (OPBG), IRCCS, 00146 Rome, Italy ...