AddUV morphs are a little different than regular UV morphs. That’s because .pmx models have only two components for regular UV– U and V, duh– but four components for addUV. Don’t be fooled by the name. AddUV is a way to encode extra information in each vertex, but it has very...
added "" which runs through all scripts whose names start with underscores good for first-pass cleanup of models v3.02: added PMX WRITE ability various restructuring and improvment of my custom pack/unpack functions, now both use the same recursive approach print statement ...
Experimental testing in five immune cell models for either KO or KI editing with Invitrogen™ TrueCut™ Cas9 Protein v2 showed that the Neon NxT system with GE Buffer had exceptional performance for KI and slightly improved performance for KO, compared to the original Invitrogen™ Neon™ ...
Structures are colored by chain, and a low-pass filtered map is shown in transparent white. (B) Models built into the maps with their respective colors and labeled as in (A). Ligand density for each model is shown in the upper right of each image. (C) Density for a cholesterol ...