Here are 8 tips to ensure your manuscript has sufficient polish to be taken seriously: 1. Understand what copy editing is (and isn't) Copy editing (also 'copyediting' and 'copy-editing') entails correcting text to ensure it follows the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar (or departs...
Discover practical tips for using AI in your academic writing from this Q&A from an expert editor. Learn how to use AI to produce high-quality scholarly papers with ease. How to Write a Paragraph in an Essay Scribendi outlines how to write a paragraph in an essay, from your topic sentence...
ANow Novel editingclient had written a fascinating historical saga in which the main character is ultimately executed. Towards the end of novel, the author had written a paragraph of stunning prose describing a vision the protagonist has just before their execution. The vision connected the character...
When you finally reach the end of your novel’s first draft, it's a huge weight lifted. But now you need to edit! Here are some practical tips for that.
There are about as many ways to write a novel as there are writers. Some plot extensively, some write with no idea where the story is going at all. Some use story boards Read More The Not-Yet Happy Ending The book has to end happy. The last chapter has to end happy. The others?
Learn why you're drawn to writing in our online course "Driven to Write: a Field Guide to the Writer's Creative Mind" + get tips, prompts, articles & more~ Subscribe Got questions? Learn more about our services and how we can help you with your writing! BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION CA...
A writer's resource for new tips, methods, and writing updates all in one place. Community While I'm most active on YouTube, Bound By Words also has an Instagram and Twitter! Hire an editor withyour successin mind. Your book is more than just my next project. It's the nextgrand adv...
Visit my blog for book reviews,tips,story structure, andmany other writing-basedblogs for your needs as a writer. No matter what service you choose, Editing Mee’s rate is fair and affordable. Check out Editing Mee’s current projects: ...
A novel or a short story – or a nonfiction book or article – is, on the other hand, a finished work. You sit down, you read it, you get the same thing every time. Right? Ha, no. We’re all editors here, so we know how many pairs of eyes and hands have worked on a text...
A book synopsis is a condensed version of your novel that showcases the most important elements of your story – your characters, conflict, and resolution. It’s a tool that helps … Writing 3 Questions to Find Your Writing Angle June 30, 2022 ...