Despite being left wanting a bit more, What Remains of Edith Finch is a one of those examples of truly interactive storytelling. Read full review View All Critic Reviews (120) Industry Coverage The Next Batch of Games Coming to Xbox Game Pass Have Been Revealed The next batch of games comin...
另外,我们Finch家族这个姓氏也就是雀类的意思,所以游戏中出现了各种象征寓意的雀类。 8.印度爸爸 主人公edith的爸爸是印度人,他的死因没有直接说明,我们通过看墙上的报纸能够知道他是死于地震救援工作。 印度爸爸的照片、工作证、志愿者服装 从报纸上看,他是死于地震救援工作。救援者没有拯救他人,家庭,甚至自己。 9...
FULL REVIEW PlayStation 4 70 Game Revolution Apr 25, 2017 Ultimately I consider What Remains of Edith Finch less essential than The Unfinished Swan, but certainly not less worthwhile. This is a moody, thoughtful, and often harrowing account of Edith and her tragedy-ridden kin, and if you’re...
*7.5* What remains of Edith Finch - a great story packed in a short captivating game. Report PlayStation 4 8 HeavyMachineGon Mar 20, 2022 8分,流程太短了,虽然是独立游戏但是也过于太短,还没有很多手游流程长,2小时就可以结束整个故事。如果每个故事都可以像Molly和Babara的故事那样丰富饱满就好了。 游...
A compelling story well told, and although it's still not very interactive the variety and artfulness of the presentation feels like something only a video game could do. Reviews provided by OpenCritic What Remains of Edith Finch System Requirements ...
What Remains of Edith Finch 是最近讨论较多的一款“步行模拟”游戏。不少评论都认为它给这个类型带来了一些新的东西。甚至,有评论给了它这一类型的新的标杆的赞誉。 在我看来,这样的评价并不为过。WREF 异常流畅的游戏体验,毫不拖沓的叙事节奏,都不免让人感慨:为什么我们等了这么久,才见到这样一款步行模拟。
游戏中的空间驱动时间与《Edith Finch》叙事艺术 面向全文本的实验性作品 现在《艾迪芬奇的记忆》已经不需要仅仅因为步行模拟游戏这一重身份就感到尴尬了,如果传统的游戏类型中有注重完整而紧凑的场景设计的作品,也有将数值系统开发到极致的作品(例如p社),也有将玩家的心理体验作为游戏设计的最初动机、最高目标以及工作...
在同期发售的独立游戏作品中,What Remains of Edith Finch这款游戏如同一匹黑马,在国内斩获不小的人气。从Steamspy的数据来看,中国成为其销量贡献的第二大国家。而在国内有这样的成绩,主要在于游戏质量超高制作精细的中文字幕。 虽然说现在来写这篇评测从游戏发售的时间上来说有些迟了,毕竟国内外不少游戏媒体都已经...
I expected What Remains of Edith Finch to be weird and vaguely menacing, but instead found it to be heartbreakingly sweet. Developer Giant Sparrow is no stranger to sadness. Its previous game, The Unfinished Swan, is about a young boy coming to terms with the death of his mother. Sadness...
What Remains of Edith Finch is a collection of short stories about a cursed family in Washington State. Each story offers a chance to experience the li...