这个游戏的开头就注定了这是一款非凡的第九艺术 在steam中打开游戏的时候 接下来等你的不是菜单和新存档 你已经坐在回到老家小岛的船上 作为edith finch的第一视角 翻开手里的family tree 用她那弱小但充满故事和力量的声音娓娓道来 当然游戏全篇我最不满意的点就是 太jb晕了 第一人称+fov锁定了大小无法扩大+...
这个游戏的开头就注定了这是一款非凡的第九艺术 在steam中打开游戏的时候 接下来等你的不是菜单和新存档 你已经坐在回到老家小岛的船上 作为edith finch的第一视角 翻开手里的family tree 用她那弱小但充满故事和力量的声音娓娓道来 当然游戏全篇我最不满意的点就是 太jb晕了 第一人称+fov锁定了大小无法扩大+...
芬奇家的百年孤独 (首发于机核网)《艾迪芬奇的记忆》(What Remains of Edith Finch),在2017年荣获TGA最佳游戏叙事大奖。其溶操作于叙事的鬼才手法,带给玩家的体验,是游戏史上浓重一笔。这方面的文章已经很多,幻蓝不再添足。在此只想仔细谈一谈,很多玩家都注意到的,它与那部伟大的小说,《百年孤独》的神韵和致敬...
Each short story focuses on a different deceased member of the Finch family, walking you through their final moments. This allows Edith to fill in her family tree, and it's a rather fascinating delivery system. The stories are incredibly varied in look and feel, ranging from things like a ...
These storytelling devices help to make each individual branch of the Finch lineage instantly accessible, but they do little to convey the shared history of that family tree. In the end,Edith Finchnever coheres into a complete story because it remains a series of fragments. But perhaps that, ...
with each character carrying their own distinct tone through the interwoven stories. I cannot recommend What Remains of Edith Finch enough; even when the stories hit close to home, when you see yourself, or someone you love amongst the faces of the Finch family cemetery. There is heartbreak in...
but it does have to be substantial enough to engage in the conversation. the finch curse, despite its centrality, never quite gets there. somehow, though, it still worked for me, because i remember my own family home. i remember my half siblings, who came and went before i reached adulth...
making What Remains of Edith Finch a worthy successor to the studio's sublime The Unfinished Swan. A walking simulator with a smart delivery mechanism paints the picture of a family tree full of misfortune and sadness, but leaves room for some happiness and sunshine. Between the most realised ...
http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/review/51040/what-remains-of-edith-finch-switch-review Families can be weird, especially big ones, but I am going to go out on a limb and assume that neither your family tree nor mine can hold a candle to the Finches. What Remains of Edith Finch is ...
Edith is returning to her family home to learn the stories her mother never told her, the ones about the generations of Finches who died before their time. The Finch house is deep in the woods on Orcas Island, in Washington State. It’s about three hours from where I grew up; the ...