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Already registered vendors can also change their password with the help of forget password feature present below the sign-in button. Expansion of the Marketplace The vendor app includes all the features of a marketplace as it is an extension of the marketplace. Now the sellers can access the...
Shopify customization: customer account page and mega menu 6 days left I need to customize our customer accountpageand the mega menu of our shopify store as described in the pdf file attached. CSSHTMLJavaScriptLiquid TemplateShopify $14 / hrAvg Bid ...
HTMLPHPShopifyShopify TemplatesWebsite Design $142Avg Bid 134 bids Course Promotion Expert Needed 6 days left I am looking for a skilled social media marketer to help promote my course across multiple platforms. The primary goal of this campaign is to increase course enrollments. You will be fo...
Select Yes. A new password is sent to the respective user’s email. How can I delete the users created? You can change the users' role but cannot delete the user on this page.Published: August 21, 2020 Last updated: July 29, 2023 ...