If you feel that you have fallen victim to a fake reviewer, or someone who is using the review system to be abusive, click the ‘Report’ flag under the review before contacting Seller Central Support. As you can see, it can be a somewhat arduous process to amend a bad rating on Amaz...
There are only a few scenarios where Amazon will remove a review upon request. It must contain either profane or harassing content, be unrelated to the product, or you believe the reviewer is in fact a competitor. Do not contact the reviewer directly and ask - or even bribe - for the re...
On the Amazon's website, the options that are supposed to take you to the customer care service will often either take you back to your order information, or move you in circles thorough their FAQ pages. In my own experience, and I would imagine in others too, this is truly frustrating...
**for Distribution two** custom origin: example.com.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com alternate cname: example.com viewer protocol policy: **Redirect HTTP to HTTPS** This way you can avoid this secanrio 2: >https://example.com -> 301 -> http://www.example.com -> 301 -> https:...
Select the action you want to perform. You either selectEdit review, Delete review or Hide on my public profile. Amazon will direct you to a “Create Review” page if you choose the “Edit” option. The review’s content can be edited here. After doing that, click“Submit”to submit th...
As long as you remain on theUser managementpage, your update request will continue to be processed. Review the messages at the top of the page for the status of the update. The following image shows an example of message at the top of theUser managementpage that Amazon Connect is updating...
We welcome edits that make the post easier to understand and more valuable for readers. Because community members review edits, please try to make the post substantially better than how you found it, for example, by fixing grammar or adding additional resources and hyperlinks. ...
check for any link to their websites in the email, going the other way could prove useful, they don't send spoofed emails to say 'BUY STUFF ON AMAZON DUDE ITS AWESOME', but more like 'We lost your credit card number, please input it here: http: / / 42 . 42 . 42 . 42 / hoax...
Even giants like ebay, amazon, alibaba. [![so something similar to this?][1]][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/Wfv3P.jpg (so something similar to this) My question is does having "add to cart in the product page actually help conversion rate? Thanks for contributing an answer to ...
myQueryTask = new QueryTask("http://arcgis-cabhpgis-2026970499.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com/arcgis/rest/services/HCIC/160524_interactive_map_jzz_v02/MapServer/0"); myQuery = new Query(); myQuery.returnGeomery = true; myQuery.outFields=["*"]; ...