你是新人?啥!你只要PE!以上都不成问题!只要你有一颗热爱Minecraft的心即可。加入我们☞Minecraft大触吧☜。大触集云。可以省时省力帮你全方面升级级级级级级⊙﹏⊙还不快加入我们!Minecraft大触吧!本人群组【血盟骑士工作室】也欢迎你的加入哦≥﹏≤ 来自Android客户端20楼2014-08-16 09:55 回复 ...
Thank you Fireball for posting that link, I was about to get around to doing that before I got distracted. I was posting this more for people who are using MS Paint or other similar picture editing software.
MCEdit, Minecraft World Editor 1.0 - no longer developed. See website for version 2.0 - mcedit/mcedit
MCEdit 2.0 is the next version of MCEdit, the World Editor for Minecraft. MCEdit allows you to edit every aspect of a Minecraft world, and to import and export .schematic files created by many programs including WorldEdit and the original MCEdit 1.x. It is free to use and licensed unde...
World Edit..大家好,我是CIA凯文桑=W=,今日大王派我来灌水,但是怎么说灌水都不是好孩子的表现,那我就讲一些对我们这种菜鸟有用的东西吧!我会直接跳过WE插件的前面部分,比如区域选择和替换。从一些比较深入的地方开
Navigate back to your server files, and inside your world folder re-upload the file you previously downloaded. Ensuring to replace the one that was already existing. Step 8: Start your server. More on NBT Editing Now that you understand the basics, you may be interested in what else ...
自制【单机WE安装教程】:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzUxNTU0OTI4.html 【WE入门应用教学】:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzUxNTI4ODg4.html 游戏 单机游戏 MAXKIM 实况解说 MINECRAFT WORLDEDIT 创世神插件 BRUSH 刷子 安装教程 单机指令 ...
World Edit for Minecraft是一款简单而智能的Minecraft PE世界编辑工具,因为它可以通过选择你的块并拖放到你想要的地方来实现。您可以预览粘贴选区的位置,如房屋,城堡或车辆。只需选择您的创作并拖放您的MCPE世界:世界编辑很简单。好的一面是我们不断更新我们的应用程序以与最新和未来版本的Minecraft PE兼容。要编辑您...
阿鹭今天画画了吗创建的收藏夹minecraft相关内容:【我的世界】World Edit 刷子工具教程【创世神插件】,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览