Premalatha, J. RamolaSundaram, NZenith International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research Premlatha Ramola & Sundaram N. (2013),"An Empirical Study on the Awareness Level of E-banking Services in Vellore District, Tamil Nadu, India," International Journal of Business ...
This paper aims to present the existing pattern and level of adoption of e-commerce among the farmers of Trichy District in the State of Tamil Nadu, India. 展开 关键词: Tamilnadu Trichy Farmers E-commerce Technology Acceptance Model Trichinopoly ...
Technology Impact On E- Banking Towards Customer Satisfaction In Public & Private Sectors Bank [With Special Reference To Vellore District Of Tamil Nadu- I... Technology Impact On E- Banking Towards Customer Satisfaction In Public & Private Sectors Bank [With Special Reference To Vellore District ...
This exploratory study reports the result of as survey on the awareness and usage of ebooks among academic institutions in Coimbatore District, Tamilnadu. The main objective of this study were to (i) assess the awareness of e-books (ii) assess the acceptance level of e-books (iii) measure ...
A letter to the editor is presented about a study on the role of the dengue virus serotype 3 in the prevalence of dengue fever in Madurai district, Tamil Nadu, India.Indian Journal of Medical Research
This empirical study is based on a sample survey of the Tuticorin District of Tamilnadu. 400 respondents were interviewed personally. The data relates to the month of August 2010. Percentage analysis, averages, standard deviation, standard error, F test, chi-square tests, Cramer's V and ...
Dengue fever is an endemic disease in some districts of Tamil Nadu and State Public Health Department is tracking the dengue scenario carefully. We did secondary data analysis of dengue fever (DF) cases that occurred between 2004 and 2011 in Saidapet Health Unit District (HUD) in Kancheepuram d...
Remote Sensing and GIS Based Tectonic Evolution Studies in Parts of Dindigul and Tiruchirappalli District, Tamilnadu, International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences, 2(1... D Tamilnadu,S Sankar,S Prabaharan,... 被引量: 1发表: 2012年 International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences Volume ...
(2013). Adoption of E-commerce Practices among the Indian Farmers, a Survey of Trichy District in the State of Tamilnadu, India. Procedia Economics and Finance, 7, 140-149.N. Jamaluddin, "Adoption of E-commerce Practices among the Indian Farmers, a Survey of Trichy District in the State...
The present study based on DesInventar Methodology, which analyse the small and medium level disasters and their impact on human lives and Infrastructures were studied for the duration of 30years from 1976 to 2006 for the Vellore District in the State of Tamil Nadu. The data on past disaster...