Edinburgh Council Leader, Adam McVey, said: “We’re already making great strides towards reducing carbon emissions in Edinburgh but, if we are to achieve our 2030 target, now is the time to be even bolder and more ambitious. The City Mobility Plan offers a radical, 10-year plan to trans...
Additionally, we evaluate Pareto solutions that combine policies' performance to give a trade-off between wait times and empty miles. In comparison with private cars, the Autonomous Vehicles (AV) resulted in 86% reduction in the number of cars on the road. In addition, the use of the AVs ...
Krisana Wong The closure of retail shops, a lack of variety and mobility in Falkirk’s high street reflects a dispersion of energy within the town centre. This addresses the need to seek solutions to reintroduce new and diverse energies in the high street. In a broader sense, Falkirk is als...
The closure of retail shops, a lack of variety and mobility in Falkirk’s high street reflects a dispersion of energy within the town centre. This addresses the need to seek solutions to reintroduce new and diverse energies in the high street. In a broader sense, Falkirk is also the social...