ed.ac.uk/studying/postg(Sport Policy, Management and International Development MSc) Pre-sessional English Summer 2021(PreSession Timetable) COVID-19 & FAQs (Requirement for 10Weeks and 和6 Weeks PreSession Course) LLM in Innovation, Technology and the Law LLM in Criminal Law and Criminal Jus...
01—Offer展示阿尔法留学咨询学员-西交利物浦大学 CHEN同学拿下 爱丁堡大学 MSc Sport Policy, Management and International Development专业offer Offer展示02—学员背景 ALPHA学员 CHEN同学 背景 西交利物浦大…
3. 申请 MSc Translation Studies 的 PS 必须使用特定模板 ; 4. 以下专业也明确要求 PS 500 字以内,否则学校会要求重新提供 MSc Sociology & Global Change、MSc Social Anthropology、MSc Digital Society、 MSc International Development、MSc International Relations、Master of Public Policy、MSc Science and Tech...
管理与国际发展(Sport Policy, Management and International Development, 后简称MSc SPMID),在2014年前...
研究型硕士及博士项目:PhD/MPhil硕博士学费12600英镑/年,MSc by Research研究型硕士,学费15850英镑/年 PhD/MPhil/MSc by Research研究型博士(3年制)/硕士(2年制)/理学硕士(1年制) 具体研究领域如下: Christian Ethics and Practical Theology基督伦理学与实践神学 ...
Matthew Pflaum is a MSc student in Africa & International Development. Here he writes about his work-based placement in the East Region of Cameroon with MBOSCUDA. Figure 1. A large church in central Yaoundé, and a banner for National Unity Day. I arrived in Yaoundé, Cameroon on May 20th...
MSc Finance,Technology & Policy MSc Global Strategy & Sustainability MSc Human Resource Management MSc International Human Resource Management MSc Management MSc Marketing 而社会和政治学院的部分专业,要收£50的申请费: MSc Africa and International Development ...
For a flavour of the taught courses you might take, the MSc Education general pathway includes four compulsory courses plus three option courses. Compulsory courses: Education Policy and the Politics of Education The Philosophy of Education
1. 根据最新数据显示爱丁堡大学MSc Material Cultures and History of the Book共有15人申请,共录取12人,录取率为80.0%,以下是该项目历年的录取情况: 年份 录取率 2014-15 80.0% 年份 申请人数 录取人数 入学人数 2014-15 15 12 2. 根据最新数据显示爱丁堡大学MSc International Relations of the Middle East ...