Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate Leaks Part 4 Commander (EDH)News Streets of New Capenna spoilers have barely ended, and many cards from the upcoming Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate (release date June 10, 2022) have been leaked! Official spoilers start on May 16 bu...
Welcome to some #live #EDH #gameplay with Cardboard Command! We have a very special guest this evening all the way from jolly old England, our buddy Scott! Support the show: Become an official Commando as a part of our Patreon community and gain ...
原文: 2021年9月27日
Buy Me a Coffee - Cut-Rate Commander - Episode 55 - Featuring Tasha, the Witch Queen from Battle for Balur's Gate #MTG #edh #commander #mtgbaldursgate Welcome back folks! I'm back from vacation and I'm bringing bac
白阿娜芬札和勇丸狗、狮子王在mtg-top8上的分类均为mono-white aggro,因此在生物选择上尽管略有区别,但整体而言大同小异,因此相同的生物在此不再赘述,仅选取部分不同的单卡予以说明。1cc:1cc上的生物和勇丸狗、狮子王别无二致,在小白快中,1费曲线上的生物必需但不可过多,太少会拖延抢血的速度,太多会影响...
1 Goldnight Commander 1 Kor Cartographer 1 Wall of Omens 1 Mist Raven 1 Mulldrifter 1 Sea Gate Oracle 1 Whirler Rogue 1 Cloudblazer 1 Empyrean Eagle 1 Mistmeadow Witch 1 Soulherder 1 Thunderclap Wyvern 1 Burnished Hart 1 Meteor Golem ...
借着这次举办羊毛杯巨赛,我也想跟大家分享一下我的EDH经历,顺便介绍介绍我这套牌,再顺便写一下这次羊毛杯巨赛的战报。 一、我的EDH心路历程 前不久在学习最新摩登challenge牌表的时候,偶然间在MTGtop8的法禁区看见一套连续打出了不少成绩的地牢典狱长格伦佐鬼怪种族套。对种种族套牌青睐有加并一直想重返法禁EDH...
Physical tournaments have made a tremendous comeback: we never saw as many events being played all across the world, from China to Peru, from the Philippines to Germany, from the Czech Republic to the United States. Duel Commander is more popular than it has ever been, thanks to you all....