Bouncelands like Simic Growth Chamber are a great and cheap way to get some redundancy in your decks, especially with how expensive the dual lands like Tropical Island can be. #3: Biovisionary Biovisionary Number of Combos: 107 Deck Inclusions: 9,368 decks (1.15%) In a singleton format,...
While The Lost Caverns of Ixalan released a slew of common pirates you can use to fill out an exclusively pirate deck, the best Malcolm/Breeches decks use type-changing cards to combo out. Notice that neither of these commanders specifies the damage must be from combat – use this to skip...
Rukarumel, Biologistis a card designed for both Sliver decks and for type changer decks, and can be a great include or commander in both. Type changers are excellent to turn cards likeRequiem AngelorBishop of Wingsinto easy infinite combo engines. Cards likeMiirym, Sentinel Wyrmalso benefit ...
此内容翻译自 本文译自moxfield作者Skilli的KCI-lek Combo Primer,部分内容有删改。 关于这套牌 1)什么是KCI-lek(本套牌的名称)? KCI-lek是一套使用无际曲相寇基雷作为指挥官的无色EDH套牌。KCI代指喀勒克族制铁厂,你可以使用这张牌与废铁打捞...
As with most low slung creature combo decks, you are particularly vulnerable to sweepers and given that your action relies heavily on both creatures and artifacts, you aren’t going to be looking to run many sweepers of your own. Instead, you will likely want some efficient point removal, de...
Once your deck has all the pieces, it’s hard to find something stronger to do that focus on assembling the combo. Roughly all blue decks should converge into doing this thing. Incidentally, it was only now that I actually bothered looking at some public decks on Moxfield to see ...
Wild Magic Surge This one was inspired a bit by looking into someAnje Falkenrathdecks, but I think this card is worth considering in other shells. Two mana is dirt cheap for potentially not dying to a combo or a creature that would be otherwise too big for you to handle. There’s n... This build of Karn is predominantly a Combo deck that plays a bit like a puzzle until either Karn makes an appearance and enables some crazy combo - or he allows you to alpha strike people with a horde of animated artifact...