Cloud Data Center | 100G Your Content Goes Here 3.2T DATA CENTER SWITCH DCS204 AS7726-32X32 x 100G QSFP28, 2 x 10G SFP+ switch ports with Trident 3.100G Top-of-Rack or Spine Data Center Switch Overview The
DCS 系列可以部署为 ToR 交换机,支持 leaf 配置中的 10 GbE、40 GbE 或 100GbE 服务器连接。DCS 系列为计算和存储工作负载提供高性能和灵活性。对于 100G spine/leaf 部署,AS7726-32X 和 AS7816-64X 型号均可用于 128 10GbE 或 128 25GbE 和 256 10GbE 或 256 25GbE 的高密度部署。
ProductModelConfigurationSwitch ASICCPU 100G Switch PortfolioAS7726-32X (DCS204)32 x 100GTrident 3×7Intel x86 100G Switch PortfolioAS7712-32X (DCS501)32 x 100GTomahawkIntel x86 100G Switch PortfolioAS7816-64X (DCS500)64 x 100GTomahawk 2Intel x86 ...
3.2T DATA CENTER SWITCH AS7726-32X 32 x 100G QSFP28, 2 x 10G SFP+ switch ports with Trident 3. 100G Top-of-Rack or Spine Data Center Switch DCS240 12.8T Data Center Switch AS9726-32DB 32 x 400G QSFP56-DD switch ports with Trident 4. Cost-effective, open network switch for data...
對於 100G spine/leaf 部署,AS7726-32X 和 AS7816-64X 型號均可用於 128 個 10GbE 或 128 個 25GbE 以及 256 個 10GbE 或 256 個 25GbE 的高密度部署。 我們業界領先的開放式網路硬體包括許多功能,可提供效率、高可用性、靈活性、冗餘、不同的氣流選項以及熱插拔風扇/PSU,為關鍵任務工作負載提供無阻塞...
The DCS series can be deployed as a ToR switch supporting 10 GbE, 40 GbE, or 100GbE server connections in a leaf configuration. The DCS series offers high performance and flexibility for computing and storage workloads. For 100G spine/leaf deployments, both the AS7726-32X and AS7816-64X ...