surface 是一个画三维图像的函数,x,y,z是图像的位置参数(z 高度和颜色);EdgeColor是边沿的颜色;none是表面的颜色,表示无颜色。
Notice that the first of the two surface plots is nearly completely black, but the second of them, with edgecolor none, looks fine. The difference is that in the first one, all the edges have been drawn in black. But edges have fixed drawing width: if you draw an edge and the...
e.set_edgecolor('r') e.set_facecolor('none') e1=Ellipse((x,y),a*scale,b*scale,angle=t) e1.set_linestyle('solid') e1.set_edgecolor('r') e1.set_facecolor('none')[self.obj_slice] udata_slc=self.udata[self.obj_slice] mask_slc=self.maskifmask_slcisNone: m...
The preferred edge color for video captions, if using an edge type other than #EDGE_TYPE_NONE. C# 复制 [Android.Runtime.Register("edgeColor")] public int EdgeColor { get; set; } Property Value Int32 Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks The preferred edge color for video captions, if...
It looks like either your linewidth was set to zero or your edgecolor was set to 'none'. Matplotlib changed the defaults for these in 2.0. Try using: plt.hist(gaussian_numbers, edgecolor='black', linewidth=1.2) Share Improve this answer Follow edited Jun 19, 2017 at 11:14 answered...
options=None, plot3D=False, label=None):options = optionsifoptionselsedef_plot_options fig=plt.gcf() ax=fig.gca(projection='3d')ifplot3Delsefig.gca()ifvol: center, size =, vol.size v0=np.array([center.x, center.y]) ...
surface 是一个画三维图像的函数,x,y,z是图像的位置参数(z 高度和颜色) edgecolor 是边沿的颜色,facecolor是表面的颜色!
The preferred edge color for video captions, if using an edge type other than#EDGE_TYPE_NONE. C# [Android.Runtime.Register("edgeColor")]publicintEdgeColor {get;set; } Property Value Int32 Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks The preferred edge color for video captions, if using an edge t...
ret.append(None)returnret 开发者ID:,项目名称:,代码行数:60,代码来源: 示例2: Figure # 需要导入模块: from patches import Rectangle [as 别名]# 或者: from patches.Rectangle importset_edgecolor[as 别名]#...这里部分代码省略...current axes. If you want a resampled image to fill the entire fig...
The preferred edge color for video captions, if using an edge type other than#EDGE_TYPE_NONE. C# [Android.Runtime.Register("edgeColor")]publicintEdgeColor {get;set; } Property Value Int32 Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks The preferred edge color for video captions, if using an edge t...