Microsoft Edge Update and later DescriptionSpecifies whether a Microsoft Edge channel can be installed on domain-joined devices.If you enable (1) this policy for a channel, Microsoft Edge will not be blocked from installation.If you disable (0) this policy for a channel (or set it...
目前,除非 tabIndex 明確設定為 0 或更多,否則索引標籤鍵不會聚焦於捲動器。 藉由預設讓捲動器成為焦點,沒有滑鼠的用戶現在可以使用索引標籤和箭頭鍵來專注裁剪的內容。 只有在捲動器不包含任何鍵盤焦點子系時,才會啟用此行為。 此邏輯是必要的,因此,捲動器內可能存在像 textarea> 的<現有可設定焦點元素沒有...
The 'Update policy override default' and per-application 'Update policy override' settings should be used to manage application updates rather than this setting. Supported values: Αντιγραφή 0 // Always allow updates Back to top UpdatesSuppressed Time period in each day to suppress...
MAUEnabled 一律使用 Microsoft AutoUpdate 做為 Microsoft Edge 的更新程式 MSAWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileAllowed 允許針對使用此設定檔的 Microsoft 個人網站進行單一登入 ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin 設定網站到特定來源的受管理設定值 ManagedFavorites 設定我的最愛 ManagedSearchEngines 管理搜尋引擎 MathSolverEnabled 讓...
For information about an additional set of policies used to control how and when Microsoft Edge is updated, check out Microsoft Edge update policy reference.You can download the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit for the recommended security configuration baseline settings for Microsoft Edge...
将下载下来的压缩包解压,打开“\MicrosoftEdgePolicyTemplates\windows\admx\”,找到 “msedge.admx”、“msedgeupdate.admx”、“msedgewebciew2.admx” 三个文件。将他们拷贝到 “(系统盘)C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\” 目录下。(你要只是为了回退,完全不想接触其它功能可以只拷贝 “msedgeupdate.admx” 。)...
When installing MicrosoftEdgeBetaEnterpriseX64.msi (current Version I get following MSI Error 1722: Product: Microsoft Edge Beta -- Error...
Disabled 0 0 Prevented. Enabled or not configured(default) 1 1 Allowed. Microsoft Edge updates the configuration data for the Books Library automatically. ADMX info and settings ADMX info GP English name: Allow configuration updates for the Books Library GP name: AllowConfigurationUpdateForBooksLibrar...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Download 2.打开下面的目录,删除其中的版本号高的内核...
have noticed that my company's policies for Edge Searching seem to be reverting back to the defaults. I noticed that searching in the Address Bar was using Bing when it should be using Google, by policy. I went to edge://policy and noticed that there were errors in the search policy: ...