Supported versions: Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, version 1511 or later Default setting: Enabled or not configured (Allowed) By default, Microsoft Edge allows InPrivate browsing, and after closing all InPrivate tabs, Microsoft Edge deletes the browsing data from the device. With this policy, you...
AutoDiscardSleepingTabsEnabled - Configure auto discard sleeping tabs AutomaticProfileSwitchingSiteList - Configure the automatic profile switching site list Edge3PSerpTelemetryEnabled - Edge 3P SERP Telemetry Enabled PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled - Enable post-quantum key agreement for TLS WebAppSettings - ...
In Copilot in Microsoft Edge, you can ask complex questions, find comprehensive answers, get summarized information, and find inspiration to build upon, in a side-by-side view, with no need to flip between tabs.To open Copilot in Microsoft Edge, click the Copilot () button in the upper...
The Feedback button.Sends feedback to Microsoft on any issues you encounter while using Microsoft Edge to help improve the product. TheVertical tab button.Moves the row of tabs along the top of your window to the left side to make content more scannable. ...
Edge Workspaces makes it easy to get your team on the same page. Anyone who has joined a workspace will be able to see and interact with the same set of tabs, favorites, and history. Invite others to join your workspace: In Microsoft Edge, go to the workspace ...
Microsoft Edge Erro Code STATUS_BREAKPOINTFor the last two weeks after the last Edge update i Keep having tabs crash with Erro Code STATUS_BREAKPOINT...
In the onclick event, find the current browser tab. Then, use the chrome.tabs.sendmessage Extension API to send a message to that tab.In that message, you must include the URL to the image you want to display. Make sure that you send a unique ID to assign to the inserted ima...
Yes, some of us do use shared PCs, and no, not all of us want our open tabs to open up back again the next time the browser is opened.Without these basic options the browser's dead in the water as far as I'm concerned. Why the heck should we have to jump through hoops and ...
browser.tabs.opentabfor.windowopen * 在任何情况下都打开新标签页而不是新窗口(嗯,这个好,打开新窗口相当于启动一个新的firefox)改成true后,重新启动Firefox.在\"工 具-选项-高级-标签页浏览\"下会出现 \"强制打开新窗口连接在\" 在这个选项前打勾 177、browser.tabs.warnOnClose * 当关闭多个标签页时是...