Hey everyone, The Open Tabs sync feature is now available on Edge for Android. Just received it yesterday and it works great! This is the feature in action: Open Tabs from my PC on phone Similarly, the Open Tab entries from phone are also synced to the desktop versions: Tabs f...
ApplicationGuardFavoritesSyncEnabled 已啟用應用程式防護我的最愛同步處理 ApplicationGuardPassiveModeEnabled 忽略應用程式防護網站清單設定,並正常瀏覽 Edge ApplicationGuardTrafficIdentificationEnabled 應用程式防護流量識別 ApplicationGuardUploadBlockingEnabled 在應用程式防護中時防止上傳檔案投射原則...
Microsoft Edge Sync 可讓使用者跨多個裝置同步處理其Microsoft Edge 用戶數據,現在會啟動名為「功能使用量」的新同步處理數據類別。 這個新類別可讓使用者同步處理有關其在所有裝置上使用 Microsoft Edge 功能的數據。 注意: 這項功能是受控制的功能推出。 如果您沒有看到這項功能,請在我們繼續推出時返回查看。 新...
AllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal 允许页面在页面关闭期间发送同步 XHR 请求(已过时) AllowSystemNotifications 允许系统通知 AllowTokenBindingForUrls 配置Microsoft Edge 将尝试使用 (过时) 建立令牌绑定的站点列表 AllowTrackingForUrls 配置特定网站的跟踪防护例外 AllowWebAuthnWithBrokenTlsCerts 允许对具有损坏 TLS 证书的站点...
When you’re signed in, Microsoft Edge syncs your favorites, passwords, history, open tabs, autofill form entries (such as your name, address, and phone number), and other data types across the devices you use with this account. Note: If you sync your favorites,...
Microsoft Edge Sync 允许用户跨多台设备同步其Microsoft Edge 用户数据,现在将启动名为“功能使用情况”的新同步数据类别。 此新类别允许用户在其所有设备上同步有关其Microsoft Edge 功能使用情况的数据。 注意: 此功能是受控功能推出。 如果未看到此功能,请在继续推出时检查回来。 新的密码管理器策略。 DeleteUndec...
Edge. You can sync your browsing history, favorites, settings, form fill data including addresses and more, passwords, extensions, open tabs, and collections. Each synced data type can be turned on or off individually. For more information, see...
- Save all your open tabs and tab groups to a collection - Click to open your last closed session - Assign colors to collections - Export and import a collection - Sync your collections across multiple devices using Google Drive - Drag & Drop to rearrange your collections Read more about...
GP English name: Do not sync GP name: AllowSyncMySettings GP path: Windows Components/Sync your settings GP ADMX file name: SettingSync.admx MDM settings MDM name: Experience/AllowSyncMySettings Supported devices: Desktop URI full path: ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Experience/AllowSyncMySettings ...
Sync all your settings, tab groups, and custom lists with browser. ✔️ ..and many more features. I created this extension from my need. I use tab groups all the time and the extension helps enhance this feature. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to email me: dev...