NewTabPagePrerenderEnabled 啟用預先載入的新索引標籤頁面,以加快頁面呈現速度 NewTabPageQuickLinksEnabled 允許新分頁頁面上的快速連結 NewTabPageSetFeedType 設定Microsoft Edge 新的索引標籤頁面體驗 (過時) RestoreOnStartup 在Edge啟動時Microsoft採取的動作 RestoreOnStartupURLs 瀏覽器啟動時開啟的網站 RestoreOnStar...
NewTabPageSetFeedType 配置Microsoft Edge 新选项卡页体验 (已过时) RestoreOnStartup Microsoft Edge 启动时要执行的作 RestoreOnStartupURLs 浏览器启动时要打开的网站 RestoreOnStartupUserURLsEnabled 在配置 RestoreOnStartupURLs 策略时,允许用户在启动期间添加和删除自己的站点 ShowHomeButton 在工具栏上显示“...
RestoreOnStartupUserURLsEnabled - 允许用户在配置 RestoreOnStartupURLs 策略时在启动期间添加和删除自己的站点 DefaultShareAdditionalOSRegionSetting - 设置默认的“共享其他操作系统区域”设置 WebSelectEnabled - 已启用 Web 选择 WebSQLAccess - 强制启用 WebSQL WebSQLNonSecureContextEnabled - 强制启用不安全上下...
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge] "NewTabPageLocation"="about:blank" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge] "RestoreOnStartupURLs"="about:blank" ;启动时要执行的操作-禁用 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge] "RestoreOnStartup"=dword:00000005 ;配置...
Then, in your Microsoft Edge settings screen, click the “On startup” setting. Now click “Open a specific page or pages” and click the “Add a new page” button. A small window will pop up with the title “Add a new page”. Where it says “Enter a URL”, type the url of th...
I know that the setting of startup page(s) of Microsoft Edge is stored in the registry keys located below:"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftEdge\Protected - It is a ...
1- Open the New Tab page (I believe that's what you have) 2- Continue when you left off 3- Open a specific page. edge://settings/onStartup, you will see the following control. You can add one or more pages here that open automatically whenever you open the browser. This does not...
An easy way to set the startup page for yourself is to configure two registry value entries on the local machine. The first is theRestoreOnStartupvalue entry to the registry keyHKCU:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Edge. This value entry is aREG_DWORD. By setting this entry with a value ...
Hi I'm struggling to get the HOME page / button to work properly... Been checking few guides about how to implement this via Intune but doesn't work properly... The best I could achieve is that I... sumo83hi please refer to the below screenshot setting up for example
selectSettings and more>Settings>Privacy, search, and services>Address bar and search, and turn onShow me search and site suggestions using my typed characters. As you start to type, the info you enter in the address bar is sent to your default search provider to give you ...