Save as file (0)1,000+ 个用户 高效工作 获取 与你的浏览器不兼容描述 Adds a convenient option to save images directly as PNG from the right-click menu. The extension converts the image to PNG format before showing the "Save As" dialog. WebP, a format developed by Google, offers...
描述 Save jpeg, avif, jfif, webp as jpg, png or webp by context menu on image. Download all images from Edge immediately in jpg, png or webp formats. You can also download formats such as avif and jfif that you can download from Google but cannot open on your computer, as jpg or ...
InternetExplorerModeEnableSavePageAs - 在 Internet Explorer 模式下允许页面另存为 KioskSwipeGesturesEnabled - 已启用 Microsoft Edge 展台模式下的轻扫手势 MicrosoftOfficeMenuEnabled - 允许用户访问 Microsoft Office 菜单 SiteSafetyServicesEnabled - 允许用户配置站点安全服务已弃用策略Force...
InternetExplorerModeEnableSavePageAs 允許Internet Explorer 模式中的 [另存新頁面] 功能 InternetExplorerModeTabInEdgeModeAllowed 允許針對 Internet Explorer 模式所設定的網站在 Microsoft Edge 中開啟 InternetExplorerModeToolbarButtonEnabled 在工具列中顯示在 Internet Explorer 模式中重新載入按鈕 InternetExplorerSetFor...
图片另存为jpg/png 现在公众号文章的图片都是webp格式,这个扩展就可以把webp保存为jpg或者png,扩展地址 视频下载助手 之前分享过很多视频下载工具又一视频下载神器,批量下载腾讯/优酷/爱奇艺/b站/抖音视频,这个扩展...
InternetExplorerModeEnableSavePageAs 允许在 Internet Explorer 模式下使用“页面另存为” InternetExplorerModeTabInEdgeModeAllowed 允许为 Internet Explorer 模式配置的网站在 Microsoft Edge 中打开 InternetExplorerModeToolbarButtonEnabled 在工具栏中显示“在 Internet Explorer 模式下重新加载”按钮 InternetExplorerSetFo...
Autofill in Microsoft Edge lets you save form entry data. Form entry data includes passwords, payment information, addresses, and other data such as birthdays. When you visit a site and start to fill out a form, Microsoft Edge uses form fill information to match your saved autofill data to ...
To open all the items in a collection as tabs in a new window, selectSharing and more >Open all. To open an individual item in a new tab, right-click it and selectOpen in new taborOpen in new window. On iOS or Android devices ...
It can be run at various IoT edge user scenarios, such as, Real-time processing of production line data in the IIoT Gateway of connected vehicle analyze the data from CAN in IoV Real-time analysis of wind turbines and smart bulk energy storage data in smart energy ...
Simply toggle this switch to ON enable ‘Save As‘ prompt. Hereafter, whenever you download something, ‘Save As‘ prompt will appear on the screen, as shown in the image. If you wish to use theRegistrymethod, create a system restore point first and then do the following. ...