readaloud = 从版本 112 起禁用大声朗读 drop = Disables Drop,自版本 112 起,你可以直接从浏览器将文档和消息发送到不同的设备 从版本 112 开始,developertools 会将内部版本号灰显,以防止用户访问开发人员选项 (Edge for Android 仅) 优惠券 = 从版本 117 开始禁用优惠券/购物功能 extensions = 从版本 12...
readaloud = 停用從 112 版起的大聲朗讀 drop = 停用Drop,可讓您從112版起直接從瀏覽器將檔和訊息傳送至不同的裝置 從112 版開始,developertools 會將組建版本號碼呈現灰色,以防止使用者存取僅適用於 Android (Edge 的開發人員選項) 優待券 = 停用優惠券/購物功能,自 117 版起 延伸模組 = 自 122 版起,...
策略名称标题 EdgeDisableDialProtocolForCastDiscovery 禁用用于强制转换设备发现的 DIAL 协议 EnableMediaRouter 启用Google Cast ShowCastIconInToolbar 在工具栏中显示 Cast 图标证书管理设置策略名称标题 CACertificateManagementAllowed 允许用户管理已安装的 CA 证书。 CACertificates Microsoft Edge 应信任的 TLS 服务器... true 禁用导入密码 false(默认值)允许导入密码备注 在适用于 iOS 的 Edge 密码管理器中,有一个"添加”按钮。 禁用导入密码功能后,“添加”按钮也将被禁用。控制Cookie 模式你可以控制网站是否可以在适用于 Android 的 Edge 中存储用户的 Cookie。 为此...
ReadAloudEnabled Enable Read Aloud feature in Microsoft Edge RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerPreventBHOInstall Prevent install of the BHO to redirect incompatible sites from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerRedirectMode Redirect incompatible sites from Internet Explorer to Microso...
How to Enable Read Aloud for PDF Files in Microsoft Edge Chromium Microsoft Edge Chromium has received an improvement to the built-in Read Aloud feature.
to enable or disable flash in microsoft edge, go to "settings" > "cookies and other site data" > "block adobe flash." toggle the switch to enable or disable flash. 本术语表仅供参考。它是理解常用术语和概念的有用资源。但是,如果您需要有关我们产品的特定支援或协助,我们鼓励您造访我们的专门 ...
"read aloud" feature that reads web page content aloud to you, which can be useful for accessibility or when you want to listen instead of reading. how can i manage cookies in microsoft edge? you can manage cookies in microsoft edge by going to "settings" > "privacy, search, and ...
Learn how to use Microsoft Edge immersive reader and customize your reading experience including text size, read aloud, and grammar correction.
Some time ago, Microsoft Edge Chromium has received the Read Aloud feature in the Canary and Dev channels. Now, it has become available to Edge Insiders