RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerPreventBHOInstall 防止安裝 BHO,將不相容的網站從 Internet Explorer 重新導向至 Microsoft Edge RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerRedirectMode 將不相容的網站從 Internet Explorer 重新導向至 Microsoft Edge RelatedMatchesCloudServiceEnabled 在頁面上尋找中設定相關的相符專案 (已過時) Relau...
NewSmartScreenLibraryEnabled (过时) 启用新的 SmartScreen 库 PreventSmartScreenPromptOverride 阻止跳过 Microsoft Defender SmartScreen 有关网站的提示 PreventSmartScreenPromptOverrideForFiles 阻止跳过 Microsoft Defender SmartScreen 有关下载的警告 SmartScreenAllowListDomains 配置Microsoft Defender SmartScreen 无法为其触发警...
RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerPreventBHOInstall - 阻止安装BHO,将不兼容的网站从Internet Explorer重定向到Microsoft Edge。 RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerRedirectMode - 将不兼容的网站从Internet Explorer重定向到Microsoft Edge。 SpeechRecognitionEnabled - 配置语音识别。 WebCaptureEnabled - 在Microsoft Edge中启用网...
PreventTyposquattingPromptOverride防止绕过站点的边缘网站拼写错误保护提示支持在:自版本 124 起Microsoft Edge (Android) 描述通过此策略设置,可以决定用户是否可以替代有关潜在拼写错误的网站的“边缘网站拼写错误保护”警告。如果启用此设置,则用户无法忽略边缘网站拼写错误保护警告,并阻止他们继续访问站点。
In Microsoft Edge, you can prevent your browser from closing a window with multiple open tabs by asking for confirmation before you exit. To turn this feature on: Go to Settings and more>Settings. SelectAccessibilityand turn onAsk before closing a window with multiple tabs. ...
E.g. click on an X on a tab, or press Ctrl-w, or Middle-click on a tab. Robert Aldwinckle on forums, Aug 9, 2024 #4 (You must log in or sign up to reply here.)Thema: How to prevent edge tab from closing with ctrl + w?
PasswordDeleteOnBrowserCloseEnabled Prevent passwords from being deleted if any Edge settings is enabled to delete browsing data when Microsoft Edge closes PasswordGeneratorEnabled Allow users to get a strong password suggestion whenever they are creating an account online PasswordManagerBlocklist...
Click the “Open mode” drop-down list and you can change whether the link or search page should open in a new tab in the background or foreground. Now you can start enjoying the “Super Drag Drop” feature. Whenever you need to disable this feature, just follow the Step 1 above to ...
on websites containing sensitive corporate information. When the site is rendered inside the browser window, admins can define leak controls on URLs that point to webpages containing sensitive information. For example, this can help prevent sensitive data types, such as financial records, client ...
6. Scroll down theCreate a new app limitwindow. Find the browser app you want to lock and select the checkbox next to it. 7. Set a time limit, like 1 minutes. 8. ClickDone. After that, the browser app is restricted on your computer. An app-limit notification will pop up 5 minutes...