GlobalMedia ControlsGlobalMedia Controls Picture-in-Picture 1. 2. 3. 播放任何 YouTube 视频,点击 GMC 图标,选择画中画图标。
You can enable picture in picture and watch web videos in a floating player It will be always on top and you can continue browsing the web, working, whatever. Picture in picture edge extension supports all video formats and works with popular video hubs like Youtube, Twitch, Facebook and ...
在那里打开一个视频,右键单击它并选择画中画模式。 当然,不言而喻,从未知来源下载和安装应用程序可能存在风险。也就是说,如果您希望尝试泄露的Microsoft Edge版本,那么您可以将其安装在虚拟机上更加安全一些。 另一方面,Mozilla正在努力开发,致力于将Picture in Picture模式带入Firefox浏览器,所以您也可以下载一个Nightly...
If you want to enable andPicture in Picture modeon theMicrosoft Edgebrowser, you can follow this guide. Although it is not possible to use this mode on every website, you can use Picture in Picture on YouTube and some other popular sites. Here is how to utilize this functionality. Micros...
PictureInPictureOverlayEnabled 在Microsoft Edge 中支持的网页上启用图片覆盖功能 PinningWizardAllowed 允许固定到任务栏向导 PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled 为TLS 启用量子化后密钥协议 ProactiveAuthEnabled 启用主动身份验证(已过时) PromotionalTabsEnabled 启用全选项卡促销内容 (已弃用) PromptForDownloadLocation 询问在...
PictureInPictureOverlayEnabled 在Microsoft Edge 支援的網頁上啟用圖片重疊功能 PinningWizardAllowed 允許[釘選到工作列精靈] PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled 啟用TLS 的後量子金鑰合約 ProactiveAuthEnabled 啟用主動式驗證 (過時) PromotionalTabsEnabled 啟用已淘汰 (全索引標籤促銷內容) PromptForDownloadLocation 詢問下載...
(PiP Mode). This extension automatically tries to use the active player. For YouTube, the extension also offers an in-player button next to the settings button to open the YouTube video in picture-in-picture mode. You can use this extension to watch YouTube videos in a floating window ...
1. Open a YouTube video on a Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or other chromium-based browsers. 2. Right-click on the video twice and select the option Picture in Picture. In the first click, you will see some options to loop the video, copy URL, etc. ...
在新版 Edge 中,这个操作变得更加快捷便利:当光标移动视频窗口底部触发播放控制 UI 时,视频顶部会出现一个 PiP 按钮,点击即可启动画中画模式。 目前此功能仅支持在 macOS 平台的 Edge 中推出,如果你在更新后没有看到相关选项,则需要手动开启Global Media Controls Picture-in-Picture和Global Media Controls两个功能标...
Chrome 93 允许我们通过特定的 URL 链接直接打开 Chrome 中已经安装的 PWA 程序,例如若我们在 Chrome 中安装了 YouTube PWA,那么点击所有相关域名链接都可以直接通过该 PWA 打开,而不是作为新的标签页打开,就如同跳转使用本地应用那样。 作为网页版 Gmail 用户,相信这将极大地改善平时使用 Gmail 的体验,比如直接点...