1、首先打开adobe reader,进入到编辑界面中。2、然后在顶上的菜单栏中选择编辑,点击首选项。3、然后在弹出来的窗口中点击打开“一般”选项。4、然后在弹出来的窗口中点击选择默认PDF处理程序,确定即可。
阅读pdf现在都直接用edge了,谁也不高兴再装一个软件,哪怕是adobe reader。生成pdf,大多数编辑软件本身都支持了。只有编辑pdf的需求了,这个需求量其实很低,但是人家adobe本来就有,在saas的时代,这个显得越发艰难。
To allow the extension to parse local PDF files, you need to enable "Access Local Files" in the extension manager. If you prefer the extension to parse PDF files in frame elements use the right-click context menu checkbox Features: 1. Provides both light and dark theme options 2. ...
$(function(){functionisAcrobatPluginInstall() {//下面代码都是处理IE浏览器的情况if((window.ActiveXObject)||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") > -1)) {for(x = 2; x < 10; x++) {try{ oAcro= eval("new ActiveXObject('PDF.PdfCtrl." + x + "');");if(oAcro) {returntrue; } }...
此影片顯示 Microsoft Edge 的企業級 PDF 閱讀程式。 按一下下一個螢幕擷取畫面以觀看高級專案經理 2,Aditi Gangwar 的影片。 關於此影片 這段影片強調 Microsoft Edge 內建 PDF 讀取器中的功能。 了解使用者如何在 PDF 中使用筆跡和醒目顯示、開啟受保護的檔案以及檢視和驗證基於憑證的數位簽章。
PDF files make up a large part of our day-to-day lives. They come in the form of contracts and agreements, newsletters, forms, research articles, resumes, and so on. These files highlight the need for a reliable, secure, and powerful PDF reader that can be adopted by Enterprises.Microso...
default action when a link with the PDF mime type is the target. 0.1.2: It is possible to ask the extension to send the PDF URL to the external executable. Make sure your PDF Reader can open remote URLs before enabling this option 0.1.9: You can now run the external executable with ...
How to use the built-in PDF reader in Microsoft Edge. Boost your productivity by editing and summarizing PDFs in your web browser with this easy-to-follow guide.
EdgeでAcrobat(Reader)が動作するようにするには、Acrobatの拡張機能を設定するしかないのでしょうか。 都合によりPDF内のWebリンクをJavascriptで記述しているのですが、Edgeで表示するとこのリンクが飛びません(Acrobat(Reader)で表示すれば飛びます)。...
It might be released to the Edge stable version soon. If so, this could end up as being one of the most useful features ever to come to the browser. Microsoft Edge’s PDF readerhas been around for a while, but only recentlyhas the app received a special button on its toolbar, on ...