对于这一点,其实某位 Edge 开发者已经于今年 4 月,通过其个人 Twitter 账号透露了一些讯息。 当时他尚未正式确认官方对 Edge for Linux 的打造计划,且时至今日,微软也没有给出过承诺。但是现在,我们至少知晓了这在技术上是没有壁垒的。 在Reddit AMA 互动问答环节,Edge 开发团队还被问到了其它一些问题,比如 C...
I realize that Linux desktop is a marginal OS, deployed on only 2% or so of desktop/laptop computers, and that so long as the energy in Linux desktop is devoted to developing endless distros rather than focused on developing better GUI applications, that is unlikely to change. But many Wind...
The Microsoft Edge developer team has heldan AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Reddit today, and the company's engineers have revealed some of their plans on various current or upcoming features. The biggest tease the company dropped was its apparent willingness to release an Edge version for ...
。 此前在 2019 年 6 月,微软Edge开发团队在 Reddit 做问答时,曾有网友问“是否会推出Linux版Edge浏览器”的时候。开发团队回应称.../download 2、Edge浏览器将采用新Logo 在 2019 年,微软已经对 Office 系列软件更换新 Logo 了。换芯后的Edge浏览器,也不例外。 外媒 pureinfotech ...
Edge 浏览器 Linux 版要来了 2019 年 6 月,微软 Edge 开发团队在知名网站 Reddit 上举办了一场问答活动,期间透露了当前或未来即将推出的一些功能和计划。有网友提问「是否会推出 Linux 版 Edge 浏览器」。Edge 开发团队回答称:「从技术上来说,想要制作 Edge for Linux 的话,其实是没有任何难度的,这也是我们...
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Getting started with edge management in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console Working with systems in the Insights Inventory application Composing, installing, and managing RHEL for Edge images Composing, installing, and managing RHEL for Edge Images on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 ...
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