如果需要访问由世纪互联运营的 Microsoft Azure 中国技术文档网站,请访问 https://docs.azure.cn。 Edge Nodes 参考 反馈 服务: CDN API 版本: 2024-02-01 Operations 展开表 List Edgenode 是用于将 CDN 内容传送给最终用户的全局接入点 (POP) 位置。
只需点击一下,即可使用免费的 Microsoft 365 网页应用(如 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint),还能同时浏览 Microsoft Edge 网页内容。2 了解详细信息 Download on the App StoreDownload on the App Store AI 驱动的移动端浏览 探索一种快速且安全的方式,让您随时随地浏览、购物并实现更多目标。立即下载适用于 iOS 和 An...
list(EdgeNodesListOptionalParams) Edgenode 是用于将 CDN 内容传送给最终用户的全局接入点 (POP) 位置。方法详细信息list(EdgeNodesListOptionalParams) Edgenode 是用于将 CDN 内容传送给最终用户的全局接入点 (POP) 位置。 TypeScript 复制 function list(options?: EdgeNodesListOptionalParams): PagedAsyncIterabl...
Managed Resources > Edge Nodes. Then, click Register Edge Node in the upper right corner. Configure basic edge node information. Figure 1 Basic edge node information (1) Node Name: name of an edge node. The name can contain 1 to 64 characters, including letters, digits, hyphens (-), ...
publicstaticSystem.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.Rest.Azure.IPage<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Cdn.Fluent.Models.EdgeNodeInner>> ListNextAsync (thisMicrosoft.Azure.Management.Cdn.Fluent.IEdgeNodesOperations operations,stringnextPageLink, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken =default...
EdgeNodesListNextOptionalParams interface参考 反馈 包: @azure/arm-cdn 可选参数。 Extends OperationOptions 继承属性展开表 abortSignal 可用于中止请求的信号。 onResponse 在执行请求的操作时,每次从服务器收到响应时要调用的函数。可以多次调用。 requestOptions 创建和发送此操作的 HTTP 请求时使用的选项。
An edge node group can divide nodes and facilitate deployment of applications on nodes in the group. You can perform the following operations on node groups:Add nodes to
Tencent Cloud EdgeOne provides layer-4/7 security protection and acceleration services to the global market based on Tencent's global edge nodes to safeguard diverse industries such as ecommerce, retail, finance service, content and news, and gaming and improve their user experience. ...
supernode file: https://github.com/lucktu/n2n/blob/master/Windows/n2n_v3_windows_x64_v3.1.1_r1255_static_by_heiye.zip version: Welcome to n2n v.3.1.1-71-g9618512-dirty-r1255 x64_static for Windows Built on Jan 31 2023 16:36:11 I installe...
To add GPU-accelerated nodes, seeAdd a GPU-accelerated node. Add a node Log on to theACK console. In the left-side navigation pane, clickClusters. On theClusterspage, find the cluster that you want to manage and click its name. In the left-side navigation pane, chooseNodes>Node Pools....