Personalize Edge with themes that change the look and feel of your browser and the new tab page to create beautiful and immersive visual experiences. Apply different themes to each profile to help you easily separate home, school, or work. ...
This theme transforms your browser and the new tab page into a fusion of traditional symbols and futuristic neon lights. The oriental style gate is adorned with couplets, which are poetic expressions of good wishes in Chinese culture. These couplets, however, are not the usual ones for ...
NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled 在Microsoft Edge 新选项卡页上隐藏应用启动器 NewTabPageBingChatEnabled 在Microsoft Edge Enterprise 新选项卡页上禁用必应聊天入口点 NewTabPageCompanyLogo 设置新选项卡页公司徽标(已过时) NewTabPageCompanyLogoEnabled 隐藏Microsoft Edge 新选项卡页上的公司徽标 NewTabPageContentEnable...
URI full path: ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Browser/SetNewTabPageURL Data type: StringRegistry settingsPath: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MicrosoftEdge\Internet Settings Value name: NewTabPageUR Value type: REG_SZRelated policiesAllow web content on New Tab page: By default, Microsoft Edge load...
NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled 在[Edge 新索引標籤] 頁面上隱藏應用程式啟動器Microsoft NewTabPageBingChatEnabled 停用Microsoft Edge Enterprise 新索引標籤面上的 Bing 聊天進入點 NewTabPageCompanyLogo 設定新的索引標籤頁面公司標誌 (過時) NewTabPageCompanyLogoEnabled 在[Microsoft Edge 新索引標籤] 頁面上隱藏公司...
New Tab Changer (34) dummysoftware Load a custom web page or url in a new tab. Fast, light, and easy to use. Move tab 新标签页(ChatGPT免费) (1.3K) Move Tab 支持全局自由拖拽,大小、颜色、搜索框提示词等修改,是超级自定义化新标签页扩展插件; ...
Personalize Microsoft Edge with a new browser theme inspired by The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the game. This theme changes the look and feel of your browser and the new tab page to create a beautiful and immersive visual experience inspired by...
Copilot in Microsoft Edge uses the page context (such as the page URL) and the page content to summarize the topic. page information The webpage content, or the content of the document, that's open in the active tab of the Microsoft Edge browser.Crashes...
New tab page in Microsoft Edge From a few days, I am seeing that the New tab page is getting updated on the top left side of the screen very frequently. I would suggest these things on those new features: I liked the new Microsoft 365 menu available on the top left but I would ...
如果你们想自定义新标签页的链接,可以安装 Custom New Tab - Microsoft Edge Addons 扩展。它可以自由设置新标签页为指定远程页面,如果你输入 的话,就和安装 Tabliss 新标签页效果类似了。 不用试图投机取巧用 Custom New Tab 设置成新标签页为本地 NTP 的地址,我试过了无用。但这是扩展的...