A smarter way to protectcreatefindbrowsegameshoplearnsearch Download Edgeupdate-latest What's new in Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge introduces exciting new features every month. Check out the latest features here. See new features year-in-review NEW Let's celebrate what made 2024 memorable Look ...
HomepageIsNewTabPage 将新选项卡页设置为主页 HomepageLocation 配置主页 URL NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes 配置新选项卡页面布局允许使用的背景类型 NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled 在Microsoft Edge 新选项卡页上隐藏应用启动器 NewTabPageBingChatEnabled 在Microsoft Edge Enterprise 新选项卡页上禁用必应聊天入口点 Ne...
HomepageLocation 設定首頁 URL NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes 設定新索引標籤頁面版面配置所允許的背景類型 NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled 在[Edge 新索引標籤] 頁面上隱藏應用程式啟動器Microsoft NewTabPageBingChatEnabled 停用Microsoft Edge Enterprise 新索引標籤面上的 Bing 聊天進入點 NewTabPageCompanyLogo 設定新...
获取 Xbox New Tab (123) Microsoft Corporation使用Microsoft 提供的此官方扩展,在浏览器中与 Xbox 保持连接。 获取 Microsoft Bing Homepage and Search Engine (385) Microsoft CorporationSet Microsoft Bing as your default homepage and search engine 获取 ...
homepage_is_newtabpagehomepage_is_newtabpage 会期restore_on_startup startup_urls 扩展扩展:设置 1:下载示例initial_preferences文件 若要开始,请从Microsoft Edge Enterprise 登陆页下载“策略”文件。 提取下载中的文件,然后在示例文件夹中打开initial_preferences文件。 下一个屏幕截图显示可供下载的策略文件选项...
获取 Xbox New Tab (123) Microsoft Corporation使用Microsoft 提供的此官方扩展,在浏览器中与 Xbox 保持连接。 获取 Microsoft Bing Homepage and Search Engine (385) Microsoft CorporationSet Microsoft Bing as your default homepage and search engine 获取 ...
本文介绍如何配置可以试用的 Microsoft Edge 展台模式选项。 还有一个在我们目标之中的功能路线图。 备注 本文适用于 Microsoft Edge 版本 87 或更高版本。 不支持适用于 Linux 的展台。 重要 通过使用展台模式功能中提供的命令行参数调用 Windows 10 Microsoft Edge 展台模式功能。
Clarity Boost PC gaming performance Games Menu Gaming homepage Next A smarter way to protect When it comes to online safety, Microsoft Edge has your back. Equipped with AI-enhanced security features and advanced security controls, Edge makes it easier to defend yourself against online threats. Brow...
dftf-wipwrote: It's a pity that in the "New tab page" section there still isn't an option to choose a blank tab, or to choose a custom homepage. Users shouldn't have to require an extension just to avoid this... NTP URL can be set via group policy: ...
HomepageLocation Configure the home page URL NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes Configure the background types allowed for the new tab page layout NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled Hide App Launcher on Microsoft Edge new tab page NewTabPageBingChatEnabled Disable Bing chat entry-points on Microsoft...