Set your browser's new tab page to a blank page. Unlike other extensions, this extension does not use any scripts on the blank page. This extension is only 1.3 KB. Light and dark mode are supported. Open Source: 无用户评价 排序方式 最近添加评论 尚无人评...
与你的浏览器不兼容 描述 Blank New Tab replaces your New tab page with a blank one. Its colors, icon and title match Edge, and it adapts to light and dark theme. 🐙 It's open source. Check it out on GitHub 📝 Edge may disable Blank New...
NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled 在[Edge 新索引標籤] 頁面上隱藏應用程式啟動器Microsoft NewTabPageBingChatEnabled 停用Microsoft Edge Enterprise 新索引標籤面上的 Bing 聊天進入點 NewTabPageCompanyLogo 設定新的索引標籤頁面公司標誌 (過時) NewTabPageCompanyLogoEnabled 在[Microsoft Edge 新索引標籤] 頁面上隱藏公司...
NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled 在Microsoft Edge 新选项卡页上隐藏应用启动器 NewTabPageBingChatEnabled 在Microsoft Edge Enterprise 新选项卡页上禁用必应聊天入口点 NewTabPageCompanyLogo 设置新选项卡页公司徽标(已过时) NewTabPageCompanyLogoEnabled 隐藏Microsoft Edge 新选项卡页上的公司徽标 NewTabPageContentEnable...
However, if you want to make changes to the default set up, it allows you to customize the look, or open the new tab as a blank page. Method 1 – Using Extension 1. Open Microsoft edge 2. Go to this URL
You can easily customize Microsoft Edge New tab page to display a Blank tab, Top sites, top sides, and suggested content via its Settings.
Chrome 浏览器的 newtab 在默认情况下,由早期的空白页(about:blank)不知道什么时候开始变成了 Google 搜索框: 默认chrome://newtab 如果你想去掉这个搜索框,解决办法是在 Chrome 设置中把地址栏搜索引擎从 Google 改成其他。这时候你会发现,Google 搜索框确实是不见了,可 newtab 的内容又变成了 8 个历史记录...
真的是有点飘了,果断再换回chrome,至少人家开发浏览器这么久了,新标签页干干净净,edge 改chromium...
Set New Tab page URL Supported versions: Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, version 1809 Default setting: Disabled or not configured (Blank) Microsoft Edge loads the default New Tab page by default. Enabling this policy lets you set a New Tab page URL in Microsoft Edge, preventing user...
New Nav Window * 2 : New Nav Tab * 3 : New Editor Window 440、general.startup * Mozilla启动选项 Mozilla startup preferences (set appropriate child to 'true' if that application should start) 441、general.useragent *用户代理(浏览器标识)选项 442、general.useragent.contentlocale *Specifies which...