点击Default,Internet Explorer compatibility中 Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode (IE mode)选择Allow 点击Add添加需要使用IE模式访问的网站地址 3-4-5 Add Page 添加后有一个月的访问期限 每月记得续期就可以了 在Edge浏览器的IE模式下访问会有IE的图标 在IE模式下访问小破站 二、在Setting-...
To enable the IE mode, follow the below steps:Open Microsoft Edge on Windows 10. Click Settings and More (ellipsis) button on the top-right corner. Select the Settings option. Click Default browser. Under the Internet Explorer compatibility sect...
Select “Allow” to enable IE mode. Select “Don’t allow” to disable IE mode. After changing the setting, please click[Restart]⑤to restart your browser for this setting change to take effect. How to use Internet Explorer mode AfterAllow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode (IE...
1.在edge地址栏输入:"edge://flags/",把Enable IE Integration设为IE Mode后关闭edge 2.找到 Microsoft Edge 的快捷方式右键点开属性,在"目标"地址后复制"--ie-mode-test"(注意 --ie前面还有一个空格)再保留修改即可 一定不要漏打空格 3.如需使用 IE 模式只需要打开网页然后点击右上角三个点菜单 , 最后...
Select “Allow” to enable IE mode. Select “Don’t allow” to disable IE mode. After changing the setting, please click[Restart]⑤to restart your browser for this setting change to take effect. How to use Internet Explorer mode AfterAllow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode (IE...
①先转到edge://flags/#edge-internet-explorer-integration进入实验室(记住要英文输入法)这个能直接转到Enable IE Integration,将模式选择IE,弄完后直接关闭浏览器②在桌面找到Edge的快捷方式,右键单击它,选择属性,然后在目标末尾添加 -ie-mode-test再应用,记得前面有空格③接着点击浏览器右上角设置窗口,更多工具里...
Select “Allow” to enable IE mode. Select “Don’t allow” to disable IE mode. After changing the setting, please click[Restart]⑤to restart your browser for this setting change to take effect. How to use Internet Explorer mode AfterAllow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode (IE...
Enbale IE mode in Edge 1. 打开Edge, 在地址栏输入edge://flags/ 2. 搜索Enable IE Integration, 配置为IE mode 3. 找到Edge的启动程序路径。如C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe 4. 在启动程序目录打开命令行工具(cmd, powershell), 输入命令...
3. UnderAllow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode (IE mode), you’ll find several options: Enable IE mode: toggle this option toAllow. Disable IE mode: toggle this option toDon’t allow. 4. Click theRestartbutton that appears to apply the changes. ...
I am not seeing "Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode” toggle switch in Edge browser. Microsoft Edge Version 91.0.864.54 (Official build) (64-bit) Is there any way to enable it as my website is only supported in IE? I appreciate any pointer in this regard. Thank...