基于Alpha通道的边缘生成边线工具,还能对边线进行向内或者向外扩展收缩,进行边缘模糊等处理,创建出独特的形状遮罩。 对遮罩边缘生成边线遮罩 对生成的边线进行向外扩展模糊 工具面板直观简单、操作效率很高,可以选择处理通道,应用于其他通道。 安装方法:可以手动安装该插件将’.gizmo’复制到.nuke文件夹,启动时nuke会读取...
包括LightWrap节点等 我们对一下插件或者节点有了大面积的理解运用起来是非常方便高效的 由于节点的使用简单不做过多的介绍 不定期的会更新一些有用的,或者偏门实用的gizmo 当然后续有什么好的同学们也可以私聊我 继续分享给大家 公众号(NUKE自习室)后台回复EdgeFromAlpha获取下载链接 好啦这是我们图文插件篇的第二...
make nuke Apple Silicon Development Developing with apple silicon requires lima/colima installed on your machine. It sadly, did not work at all with kind. Below, you'll find theyamlused for developing with Cilium CNI and k3s. Colima version at the time:v0.5.6 ...
Rather than using Add Grain, I'd rather Neat Video had the option to generate grain from the same profile it used to de-noise. This is a common request. It's still not as simple as with Nuke, but it would be better than what there is now! Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report ...
Almost every object in the Universe are craftable, the game has a production-chain system that starts from the raw materials that can be processed to make a greater material or equipments. Today, I'd like to pass some gases information that we'll have in the game!
源自课时2:01_01_Selections,alpha channels,and layer masks,oh my 08-04 12:22:04 0 0 透过斜缝的阳光 源自课时2:01_01_Selections,alpha channels,and layer masks,oh my 08-02 17:27:43 0 0 深海点灯 不错,但是没有字幕没有汉化感觉,有点吃力 源自课时1:00_01_Welcome 08-02 13:24...
Rather than using Add Grain, I'd rather Neat Video had the option to generate grain from the same profile it used to de-noise. This is a common request. It's still not as simple as with Nuke, but it would be better than what there is now! Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report...