Alternatively, use keyboard shortcuts for efficiency: S - Decrease playback speed. D - Increase playback speed. R - Reset playback speed. Z - Rewind video by 10 seconds. X - Advance video by 10 seconds. V - Show/hide controller. Tailor the extension to your preferences in the set...
Control video speed for any video players. 100% free, Highly accurate, Keyboard shortcuts. Super Video Speed Controller is trusted by 200,000+ users.
①“管理扩展/开发人员模式”,找到Super Speed Video Controller的ID。这个ID,其实对应着扩展文件的安装目录名字。 ②打开everythings文件搜索工具,搜索iplmmmmbamkaonmhjjoaomjbigkjgglf这个目录名称,发现它在 C:\Users\{用户名}\AppData\Local\ Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\ Extensions\iplmmmmbamkaonmhjjoaomj...
Video speed controller (4.3K) 80,000+ 个用户 高效工作 获取 与你的浏览器不兼容 描述 超级视频速度控制器可以让您在任何网站上增加或减少播放速度。 特色: 🎥 几乎可以在任何地方使用 🎥 您可以使用预设或以百分比设置自定义速度 🎥 使用快捷键 快速开始:在...
Volume Master-音量控制器是大小不到1MB的,完全免费且无广告的标签页音量控制插件。它简单易用,能控制...
# 13. Video Speed Controller 这款扩展能帮我们给网页播放器添加快进/快退/倍速播放功能。 通过快捷键控制,快速调节视频/音乐的播放速度,非常方便。 安装后默认会在视频左上角显示播放速率浮窗,鼠标浮动上去展开控制条。 我们可以在设置中修改快捷键、速度、隐藏控制条,记录播放速度等,一键控制。 支持Chrome、Edge...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":2589780,"subject":"7 popular extensions from Microsoft Edge Addons","id":"message:2589780","revisionNum":11,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:904837"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:EdgeInsiderAnnouncements"},"...
Symmetry is one of the most important notions in the digital twins-driven manufacturing cyber–physical system (CPS). Real-time acquisition of production data and rapid response to changes in the external environment are the keys to ensuring the symmetry
In a new tab, navigate tochrome://extensions Find "Adjust Video Speed" extension in the list and enable "Allow access to file URLs" Open a new tab and try opening a local file; the controls should show up. Development The SVG files in the/iconsfolder arenot usedby Chrome, but for cr...
d. Building Docker image will take 10-25 minutes depending on your internet connection speed. 4. Login to your repository to pull the image: sudo docker login -u <Azure CR username> -p <Azure CR password> <Azure CR login> NOTE:CRis the Container Registry. ...