devices or search engine spiders. The extension does not render web pages in the same way as the selected one. User-Agent Switcher is primarily for developers who want to test how a page responds to different browsers. User-Agent switcher may also be used to reach certain pages that allows...
Proxy&User-Agent Switcher扩展程序有助于对任何网站进行地理位置测试和移动设备测试。 User Agents for Microsoft Edge (12) Hereafter2 Freely choose your user user-agents 简易扩展 (7) gzlock 让每个网站都可以保存/切换Cookies、切换User-Agent。
User-Agent Switcher and Manager 这个扩展用于改变浏览器的ua,方便浏览只适配手机页面的网站,比如之前网...
User-Agent Switcher(store→) Incognito This Tab(store→) Share Tools(store→) Quick QR Code(store→) Mail My Tabs(store→) SiteTools(store→) Important Instructions How to use extensions in incognito (InPrivate) mode of Microsoft Edge? How to change default settings of extensions? How to ch...
为了避免播放时出现兼容性问题,B站一刀切关闭了Chrome系浏览器的HEVC硬解功能,强制软解,所以只能“欺骗”网站你在使用支持硬解的浏览器,这里使用User-Agent Switcher and Manager扩展,其它同类扩展的功能大同小异,均可尝试使用。 下载地址Microsoft Edge Addons 安装后单击扩展的图标,按图中将User-Agent设置为Safari 14....
HEVC视频拓展下载地址:由于以前的bug已经修复,所以可以直接下载最新版的插件,选择x64版本的HEVC Video Extension 1.0.50361下载并安装。 二、下载并使用UA插件 直接到Edge浏览器拓展商店搜索User-Agent Switcher and Manager下载。然后选择Safari和Mac OS...
安装系统HEVC视频扩展后,需关闭微软应用商店的自动更新,以免带来潜在的兼容性问题。接下来,修改浏览器设置,使用User-Agent Switcher and Manager扩展欺骗网站识别为支持硬解的浏览器,如将User-Agent设置为Safari 14.1和MacOS 11.3。将扩展限制仅在访问B站网页时激活,确保在特定站点启用。设置完毕后,...
1.打开,选择1.0.31823版本的插件(新版存在画面抖动BUG)下载。 图4 安装HEVC扩展 2.与安装VCLibs时一样,用“Add-AppxPackage -Path”命令来部署。 四、安装User-Agent Switcher and Manager ...
Agentium: User agent switcher Agentium is a extension for controlling the user agent identity reported by your browser, allowing you for instance to view the mobile version of a website on your computer.Highlights:Quickly select user agent identity from a default list of popular browsers Add ...
2 - Edit the Google Chrome Windows user agent string to be: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.86 Safari/537.36 3 - Set the option inside the User Agent Switcher extension to remember the selected user agent at start...