Burgers vectordislocation densitiesSTRAIN-GRADIENT PLASTICITYALUMINUM BICRYSTALWe consider finite plasticity based on the decomposition F = F e F p of the deformation gradient F into elastic and plastic distortions F e and F p ( det F p = 1 ). Within this framework the macroscopic Burgers ...
If the resolved shear stress on the slip plane is τ and the Burgers vector of the dislocation b, the force on the dislocation, i.e. force per unit length of dislocation, is F=τb. This can be seen by reference to Figure 4.4 if the crystal is of side L. The force on the top ...
where q is a function of only the dislocation Burgers vector, character, and elastic anisotropy. The CMWP analysis performed on NbTaTiV samples, for <111>a/2 dislocations and deformed to plastic strains of 1.8, 6.8, and 11.8%, reveals q values, as shown in Fig. 2c. These are all consi...
6) edge-dislocation dipole 刃型位错偶极子 1. Molecular dynamics simulations(MD) are used to investigate dynamic process of an edge-dislocation dipole in gliding face(011) with Burgers vector b=± in bcc single-crystal iron. 用分子动力学方法模拟了bcc单晶铁中滑移面为(011)晶面、柏氏矢量b-=...
The edge dislocations with the Burgers vector b =[001]/2 and extending along the [110] direction are observed. The results show that in the region near an edge dislocation, no InAs wires were formed, while in the regions free of dislocation, wire-like nanostructures were formed. The ...
Magnitude of Burgers vector d: Inter planar distance E: Modulus of elasticity G: Shear modulus K: Kinetic energy of dislocation at incipient motion L: Limit of integration domain \(\mathcal{L}\): Lagrangian M: Taylor’s factor p:
One general contributory cause for the fact, confirmed by Bauser and Strunk, that dislocations with a Burgers vector parallel to the surface (as well as those with a component of Burgers vector normal to the surface) can act as growth-promotion centres derives from the general existence of cry...
4, a complementary dislocation with Burgers vector a/2[101] can nucleate from the surface, glide in the \(\mathrm{(1}\bar{1}\bar{1})\) plane and can be combined with the straight MD to form an edge MD according to Eq. (1). However, the corresponding activation energy is 7 eV...
4. For verification purpose, we construct a linear edge perfect dislocation with Burgers vector b=[110]/2 and a partial dislocation ring with b= [112]/6 in FCC copper. 该方法的优点在于可以方便地构造出其他传统方法难以构造的位错闭合结构-位错环,从而使位错环的细致研究成为可能。
Dislocations will climb either to enlarge or reduce the area of the extra {110} planes of atoms which lie perpendicular to the Burgers vector, and with certain special dislocation configurations many parallel adjacent {110} planes of atoms can be either eliminated from, or inserted into, the ...