Microsoft近期在其Edge浏览器中推出了"Sleeping Tabs"功能,旨在在保持标签页Tab打开的同时避免内存的浪费。通过自动淡出标签页并在点击时恢复,这一功能帮助用户管理资源使用。 释放超过1.5天休眠的标签页资源 随着目前处于Beta测试阶段的Edge 125版本,Microsoft新增了一项名为"AutoDiscardSleepingTabsEnabled"的设置。这项新...
策略名称标题 EdgeDisableDialProtocolForCastDiscovery 禁用用于强制转换设备发现的 DIAL 协议 EnableMediaRouter 启用Google Cast ShowCastIconInToolbar 在工具栏中显示 Cast 图标证书管理设置策略名称标题 CACertificateManagementAllowed 允许用户管理已安装的 CA 证书。 CACertificates Microsoft Edge 应信任的 TLS 服务器...
原則名稱標題 EdgeDisableDialProtocolForCastDiscovery 停用CAST 裝置探索的 DIAL 通訊協定 EnableMediaRouter 啟用Google Cast ShowCastIconInToolbar 在工具列中顯示投射圖示憑證管理設定原則名稱標題 CACertificateManagementAllowed 允許使用者管理已安裝的 CA 憑證。 CACertificates 應由Microsoft Edge 信任的 TLS 伺服器...
It is now possible to disable Tab Fading for sleeping tabs in Microsoft Edge.In recent Edge updates, Microsoft added a nifty feature called
Scroll toServicesand disable theSave time and money with Shopping in Microsoft Edge. 7Tweak sleeping tabs in Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge puts inactive tabs to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity. You can see these tabs fading away at the top. However, you can customize the time limit and... Early internal testing of devices with sleeping tabs has shown a median memory usage reduction of26% for Microsoft Edge. Microsoft's internal testing has also shown that a normal background tab uses29% more CPU for ...
I had tried everything in the Edge settings to disable sleeping tabs but it never solved the horrible problem. The sleeping tabs have already added 300 usd to my electicity fee! Today i see there is now a possibility to control the sleeping tabs and to add pages ...
"NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes"=dword:00000003 ;关闭翻译功能 "TranslateEnabled"=dword:00000000 ;关闭共享功能 "ConfigureShare"=dword:00000001 ;关闭数学求解器 "MathSolverEnabled"=dword:00000000 ;关闭固定任务栏向导 "PinningWizardAllowed"=dword:00000000 ...
启用 标签预览:edge://flags/#tab-hover-card-images 启用 全局暗黑模式:edge://flags/#enable-...
NewTabPageBingChatEnabled Disable Bing chat entry-points on Microsoft Edge Enterprise new tab page NewTabPageCompanyLogo Set new tab page company logo (obsolete) NewTabPageCompanyLogoBackplateColor Set the company logo backplate color on the new tab page. NewTabPageCompanyLogoEnabled Hide the compan...