Edge 引入“休眠标签页”功能 自动回收更多系统资源 Microsoft近期在其Edge浏览器中推出了"Sleeping Tabs"功能,旨在在保持标签页Tab打开的同时避免内存的浪费。通过自动淡出标签页并在点击时恢复,这一功能帮助用户管理资源使用。 释放超过1.5天休眠的标签页资源 随着目前处于Beta测试阶段的Edge 125版本,Microsoft新增了一项...
Automatically suspend tabs in Microsoft Edge The Sleeping Tabs feature is enabled by default but you can disable it manually using a hidden experimental flag. It is available in the latest Edge for Windows and macOS. Enable Sleeping tabs in Edge browser To enable or disable Sleeping tabs in Mic...
IT之家 5 月 8 日消息,微软近日向 Beta 频道发布了 Edge 125 浏览器更新,主要添加了新的“AutoDiscardSleepingTabsEnabled”策略,自动丢弃处于睡眠模式超过 1.5 天的标签页。IT之家注:“AutoDiscardSleepingTabsEnabled”策略依赖于“SleepingTabsEnabled”策略,单独启用不会产生效果。该策略生效之后,处于睡眠模式...
This tutorial guides users on how to enable or disable the sleeping tabs feature in Microsoft’s Edge browser, which was developed using the Chromium open-source project for improved web compatibility and performance. Enabling sleeping tabs can reduce memory usage by 26% and CPU utilization by 29...
策略名称字幕 AutoDiscardSleepingTabsEnabled 配置自动放弃睡眠选项卡 SleepingTabsBlockedForUrls 屏蔽特定网站上的睡眠选项卡 SleepingTabsEnabled 配置睡眠选项卡 SleepingTabsTimeout 为睡眠选项卡设置后台选项卡闲置时长SmartScreen 设置策略名称字幕 ExemptSmartScreenDownloadWarnings 对指定域上的指定文件类型禁用基于 ...
How to enable Sleeping tabs in Microsoft Edge Step 1:First of all, open the Microsoft Edge browser on your computer. Step 2:On the Edge homepage, tap on the menu button in the top left corner. Step 3:In the Settings page that opens, enable the toggle button for “Save resources with...
If you no longer need to Sleeping Tabs feature or if it is not working as it should, you can disable it. Here’s how. Open the Edge browser. Go to the Settings page. Select “System” on the sidebar. Turn off the “Save resources with sleeping tabs” option under the “Save resourc...
【CNMO新闻】据外媒MSPoweruser消息,微软的Edge浏览器即将推出新功能“Sleeping Tabs”,以减少内存和CPU占用空间。一般而言,太多的浏览器标签会占用大量的运存和CPU资源。这可能会导致浏览器运行速度降低,进而影响工作流程。好消息是微软正在研究一种的解决方案,以减少Edge的内存和CPU占用空间。Edge浏览器 微软开发的...
Sluimerstandtabbladen Microsoft Edge zet tabbladen in de slaapstand wanneer u ze niet gebruikt. Dit verhoogt de prestaties van uw browser door systeembronnen zoals geheugen en CPU vrij te geven, om ervoor te zorgen dat de tabbladen die u gebruikt de bronnen hebben die ze nodig hebben....
IT之家5 月 7 日消息,为了减少内存浪费,微软 Edge 浏览器此前引入了“休眠标签页”功能。处于休眠状态的标签页会变暗,但内容依然保留,点击后可立即恢复浏览。即将推出的 Edge 125 测试版将带来一项名为“自动释放休眠标签页”(AutoDiscardSleepingTabsEnabled)的新策略。