Get-ScheduledTask -taskname MicrosoftEdgeUpdate* | Unregister-ScheduledTask -Confirm: $false # 移除更新程序 Remove-Item "$PF\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" -Recurse -Force Write-Output "Disable Microsoft Edge Enterprise Auto Update Successful!" } elseif ($(Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Micros...
1. **区分版本**:Microsoft Edge在Windows平台分为企业版(管理员权限安装)和用户版(普通用户权限安装)。2. **禁用自动更新**:可以通过以下方式禁用Edge的自动更新:- 使用PowerShell禁用更新:打开PowerShell并运行以下脚本,或将其保存为disable-edge-auto-update.ps1文件并使用PowerShell运行。- ...
或者将脚本保存为disable-edge-auto-update.ps1文件,右键点击 “使用 PowerShell 运行” 即可快速完成。 if ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem -eq "True") { #Write-Host "64-bit OS" $PF=${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} } else { #Write-Host "32-bit OS" $PF=$env:ProgramFiles } if ($(Test-...
EdgeUpdateBrowserReplacementTask /F schtasks.exe /Delete /TN \MicrosoftEdgeUpdateTaskMachineCore /F schtasks.exe /Delete /TN \MicrosoftEdgeUpdateTaskMachineUA /F # 移除更新程序 Remove-Item "$PF\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" -Recurse -Force Write-Output "Disable Microsoft Edge Enterprise Auto Update ...
F #schtasks.exe /Delete /TN \MicrosoftEdgeUpdateTaskMachineUA /F Get-ScheduledTask -taskname MicrosoftEdgeUpdate* | Unregister-ScheduledTask -Confirm: $false # 移除更新程序 Remove-Item "$PF\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" -Recurse -Force Write-Output "Disable Microsoft Edge Enterprise Auto Update Successful...
F #schtasks.exe /Delete /TN \MicrosoftEdgeUpdateTaskMachineUA /F Get-ScheduledTask -taskname MicrosoftEdgeUpdate* | Unregister-ScheduledTask -Confirm:$false # 移除更新程序 Remove-Item "$PF\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" -Recurse -Force Write-Output "Disable Microsoft Edge Enterprise Auto Update Successful!
MAUEnabled 始终将 Microsoft AutoUpdate 用作 Microsoft Edge 的更新程序 MSAWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileAllowed 允许使用此配置文件的单一登录 Microsoft 个人网站 ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin 将网站的托管配置值设置到特定来源 ManagedFavorites 配置收藏夹 ManagedSearchEngines 管理搜索引擎 MathSolverEnabled 让用户在 Micr...
how can i disable Microsoft Edge Canary auto update ? canary version does updates every day and i need to work with edgedriver with the same version so i can't control it .david-risney added External labels May 27, 2020 Author FRsyesCD commented May 27, 2020 i want to automate my ...
\n \n Is the AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes policy set to 0 so all auto-update checks are disabled? (Basically since you folks are controlling the updates)\n\n Did this issue with the \"Microsoft Edge is out of Date\" message always happen or was this something users started notici...
MAUEnabled 一律使用 Microsoft AutoUpdate 做為 Microsoft Edge 的更新程式 MSAWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileAllowed 允許針對使用此設定檔的 Microsoft 個人網站進行單一登入 ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin 設定網站到特定來源的受管理設定值 ManagedFavorites 設定我的最愛 ManagedSearchEngines 管理搜尋引擎 MathSolverEnabled 讓...