s VPN proxy extension will disable Edge’s WebRTC protocol to prevent your IP address from being leaked. ✔ Avoid ads and malicious websites - Surf the web with confidence with our VPN Edge extension thanks to the Threat Protection Lite feature. It blocks your access to malicious w...
一直在使用,非常好用。但是请注意,edge新版本已经自带了jsonview,如果再使用这个插件,会导致被美化的json再次被美化,会大致报这个错提示:文本非json格式。 解决办法: 1.停用这款插件。使用edge自带的jsonview 2.停用edge自带的jsonveiw。在edge浏览器输入:edge://flags/,找到jsonview,改成disable ...
You must not disable any platform safety or comfort features and you must include all applicable legally required and industry-standard warnings, notices, and disclaimers in your extension.2.4 Defamatory, libelous, slanderous, or threateningYour extension must not contain content that is defamato...
To enable or disable this feature, go to edge://wallet/settings, navigate to the Personal info section, and toggle the Enable machine learning powered autofill suggestions setting.You can prevent Microsoft Edge from prompting you to save passwords. Go to edge://settings/passwords. Toggle off ...
You must not disable any platform safety or comfort features and you must include all applicable legally required and industry-standard warnings, notices, and disclaimers in your extension. 2.4 Defamatory, libelous, slanderous, or threatening
To enable or disable sending your typed characters in the Address bar to your default search provider:Select Settings and more () > Settings > Privacy, search, and services. In the Services section, select Address bar and search > Search suggestions and filters, and then turn on the Show ...
If restarting the browser did not fix the issue, try to disable all other extensions to see if there is a conflict. If there is a conflict then try to determine against which extension(s). Please report the issue with a short description on how to reproduce it here:https://github.com/...
To disable an add-on, do the following: From theToolsmenu, clickManage Add-ons>Enable or Disable Add-ons. Scroll down the list to view the add-ons. To disable an add-on, select it and click theDisablebutton. ClickOK. Restart the browser to have the changes take effect. ...
There doesn't seem to be a possibility within Edge to disable auto updates for extensions. 👍 2 MaciejPel commented Jul 13, 2023 I've got the same issue, extension asked to login with email and master password despite having different settings. After logging in it wouldn't auto fill ...
We at the Microsoft Edge Addons team constantly monitor all addons in our catalog, so that we can ensure there is a good mix of addons for various user needs, and our catalog does not have malicious addons. When reviewing the usage trends of addons, we found that a few addons were...